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Thursday, July 19, 2007

What do I know.

Normally I take my subject clues from your responses. But lately it looks like I have scared a few of you off. Not sure if it is the Fundraising or the NAIS talk. When times are slow, like now, and I am not attempting something new, I look to some of your questions and expand on the explanations.

Google is telling me that many people are heading this way to find out how to use a Hot Water Bath to can their green beans, I would suggest pressure canning. And butchering your own birds {chickens, turkeys, ducks} is also a popular look up. Click links to read posts

So you tell me. What do you want to know? If I have done it, I will tell you all about it, mistakes and all. If I have already done it and written it up, I will link and update it.


Donna. W said...

My mom cold-packed her green beans all her life, and I did for years until I got a pressure canner; then I started doing it the safe way.

Faren said...

Sorry, right now I can't think of anything!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I have a specific question so much as I'm totally fascinated by your bravery and willingness to keep trying.

I lived in the city until I married at 24 and moved to the suburbs. I was, and am still to some extent, a fish out of water.

I guess I'd like to know if you ever get scared living out there.

~ Carol Anne

Anonymous said...

I'd still like to know how you make a rag rug...

Unknown said...

Phelan, there are people keeping close tabs from places you couldn't begin to imagine. Please don't take unresponsiveness as disinterest. Nothing could be further from the truth, believe me. The stakes continue to grow higher. We're getting into crunch time. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm a newbie to the site so I can't comment on what has come before me, but I do have a couple of suggestions:

*I notice you use tags, but I don't see a searchable list of them. I'd like to know more about chicken raising but would like an easy way to see what you've written about that so far. I'll be moving to a small farm in August and wonder if it's worth it to start with cluckers in the fall (will they lay much in the winter) or should I wait til spring? Do folks usually downsize the flock in the winter?

*Also, when I go to a specific page (for me, from bloglines) there's no easy link to take me directly back to the main Homesteading Neophyte blog page. So, I have to go to profile, then click on the homepage. Alot of sites have the top banner as a link...

Anyway, I hope these aren't viewed as critical, I'm just telling you what would make your site easier for me. I'm enjoying it so far!

Phelan said...

Alrescate, don't, just don't


Rosemary, welcome. And I am sorry you are having problems navagating my blog. You should be able to click on the banner, on the name A Homesteading Neophyte to get back to the main page. Now the tage. The list got to be so long, and with my blogroll and the blogathon info, it was just bad. You can click on any tag at any time to bring up the resualts for that tag. Also in the left hand top corner their is a blogger search that will pull up only my pages for whatever key word you type in. Hope that helps. The main page banner link is blogger, not me. Maybe I should but a link on the sidebar. hhhmmm...

Anonymous said...

OK, now I've learned a thing or two about searching in blogger--thanks for the help!

I'd love to see the tags sometime, just to see what the potential topics are, but I understand your wanting to keep things uncluttered.

OK, now for homesteading questions:
1) Can you describe the layout of your land, and how you use it for animals, garden, kids play, ect.

2) Also wondering about the 'seasons' for getting things from the land. Do you use a special calendar to keep track of what needs to be done on the farm, in terms of planting your vegies and such. You started from scratch, right? What were your priorities and ordering for planting and animals? We'll move to 7 acres mid August and I'm wondering where to start. I'm using your blog for ideas and inspiration--thanks!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of rag rugs, I've been given some hessian sacks & decided to have a go at making one or 5! I'm cursing the fact that my latchet hook is somewhere in the container ~ the one I have, not the one that Lizzie boroowed, um, 10 years ago.. I can't log onto my own blog, so can't post the design this night ~ it's taken me 3 hours to get this page up!

Anonymous said...

Hi Phelan,
I've noticed some problems in general with commenting on Blogger lately. Also, I wouldn't take the dips in comments too seriously. It's mid-summer and a lot of the folks that have been inspired by you are busy canning and gardening and making cheese! I think that all blogs experience a summer lull.

Renee said...

I still love checking in on your blog. I think it's just summer time and we're all spending more time outside and less at the computer. My posts in general have slowed down for this reason, but I'm still here reading and writing!


Phelan said...

thank you, both of you. My return readership is up. I think the problem is that most people don't know what to say since my father died. This was my way of saying that it is ok to ingore that, and tlak to me about homesteading again.

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