I want all of you to meet Firefly.
Hurry, click on this link to read all about my new baby
Marina and I are discussing names. And we need some help. His name Firefly goes along with his sister and mother's names. But he also needs a little something to show that he belongs to our homestead.
we have discussed Firefly Neo {as in the farms name of Neophyte Homestead} Firefly Sweep {sweep is biker slang for the last rider of a group} And Firefly Bán {Irish for white}
So we will leave the final say up to you.
How gorgeous! I would be yelling too!! :)
You didn't mention that Neo also would make his name completely geeked out ;)
You don't have any friends named Mr. Smith, right?
Oh what an adorable baby!
Simply amethyst, thank you ~big cheesy grin~
Marina, I know I know.
Alrescate, he is isn't he.
WOOOHOOO! Congratulations!
too cute!
very cool...
Queen W, thank you!
KS C Mom, hehe.
Tim, it is :D
Ok, I had no idea so many of you were sci-fi geeks :P
oh, oh he is so cute! I so want a donkey!
PS thanks for the supportive comment over at La Blog.
Congrats! What a cutie!! :)
Yay!!! SF geeks are everywhere lol!
umm. dumb question here but- will Firefly stay white?
It makes me want a donkey! So freaking precious.
I'm excited for you.
Tammi, I didn't know that either so I did a little looking. He should stay white, he will darken up in the winter months though. and the cross on his back should be a cream to a tan color.
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