We can not hear the tornado sirens were we are, and the news channels don't feel compelled to talk about us too often, that was convinced me to buy a weather alarm.
Looks like the severe parts of this storm are dying down here.
Tornado season in Kansas has opened.

Stay safe.
I should really get a weather radio...but I'm really glad you have one.
I should really get a weather radio...but I'm really glad you have one.
My mom and I stood outside and watched a tornado move across the land, it destroyed one farm. That was a long time ago, but I'll never forget watching that thing, what a beast. You're very smart to have the weather alarm.
Tornados always scare me! I grew up in Illinois, in a trailer park, so we were always hiding out in the shelter when the alarms would sound! I was so young but remember it so well! Stay safe:)
Keep safe, you guys.
The skim ice on the ponds is my weather warning that winter will be settling in for 7 months...
At least we don't have tornados at -40 below.
Ooooh, I hate tornadoes and the possibility of tornadoes. One of the reasons I don't live in your fair state anymore. But good and luck and best wishes to you!
A serious tornado just ripped through the county just north of us killing i believe six this is the first i've really heard of such a death toll or seen what they could actually do. We focus so much on hurricanes down here and the occasional water spout that dies out usually by landfall. Scary thought, how does the alarm work and what is your emergency routine? Being prepared is a good first step.
Glad to know you have some kind of warning system. I have a siren pretty close by, so we are lucky. Do you have an outside shelter? I am sure you do. Maybe I read about it and forgot. Anyway, thank goodness for the weather radio.
My daughter, who has lived in Maine all of her nine years, is fascinated by tornadoes. She wants to be a storm-chaser :). Having grown up in the deep south and experienced the tornado phenomenon, I can't think of anything that would give me less pleasure.
Stay safe!
Oh, man. That's scary. I've never been anywhere near a tornado so I can't even imagine what that's like. I hope everyone stays safe.
Thank you for your concerned replies. Everyone is well.
Yes we do have a shelter. The weather alarm, when set for your area will go off whenever there is a warning of some type issued. We have to pay attention to three counties because of where we live, some night during the spring I didn't get much sleep because it will constantly go off. If a tornando warning is issued for one of those counties, I switch the weather alarm to radio mode or tunr on the tv to see where it is in the county. Then we decided what to do from there. In the 5 years we have been here, we have never had to use our shelter.
I love storm and would gladly chase storms for a living. :)
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