They had lifted the bottom part of my fence and lured my sheep into the abandoned property. If I catch them again back there, I will be calling the Sheriff. I am tired of neighbors coming out here, then decided that I don't deserve to have more than them. Oh and yes, It has been said to other neighbors about us. We have too much, and we should share it. They can bite me and my shotgun.
Husband just came in to inform me that the hot fencing was jacked with in the back field.
I am done playing nice guy. I work hard for what I have and no one will come and take it from me because they feel they deserve it without the work involved. These are also the neighbors that had their horse taken away for starving it. And are cousins of the ones that called the Sheriff on us the other day and are cousins with the woman that threaten to report me for starving my cows.
Grrrr. . .
We are in the process of looking for another homestead.
And we did get our sheep back.

What the heck is going on with people? I guess its the notion being spread around that we are all entitled to our fair share without having to work for it ethic . MM over at has had similar stuff happen.
Keep at them and don't take any shit off of anyone (which I don't think you guys will!)
I guess I'm fortunate that none of my neighbors are needy enough... yet.
They are not in need. They have 12 different sheep and goats over there already. Just like when they were stealing our chickens. They had their own, yet had to take ours to eat. If they were needy, and asked, I would help them out. They are just selfish thieves.
Man, I don't even really know what to say I'm soooo ticked reading that. And they're not even MY sheep/chickens. What a bunch of low-life scum-sucking dirtbags. Shotgun is too nice for people like that.
Hate to say it but people have been like this forever. There will always be folks that think they can just take something because they want it. Nevermind working for it. Girl, its time for some booby trapping! lol
This isn't about need it is about GREED. This world is full of it and it disgusts me. Wish I was around your area cuz you can BET I'd be willing to lend a helping hand for free!
Just let them know that your good friend, Winchester, would like to meet them next time they wanna drop by unannounced. ;-)
Booby traps. Lol! Husband came up with some good ones. However, if they are trespassing with intent to steal and get hurt on our property they can sue us. On the plus side, we can shoot live stock rustlers legally.
Wow! I'm so glad you got your sheep back. I just had a cousin run out on us this weekend, leaving a $400 utility bill that we will now have to pay. What is with these people that they feel like they are just 'entitled' to whatever they want? I truly wonder sometimes just where and when our country went wrong. Because there are some seriously screwed up people out there. If you need somebody to come help fence sit, would be glad to come help out. Oh, and by the way, we finally got rain down our way!!! YEA!!!!
ok, that picture is so adorable you'd never be able to get me away from the sheep field if I were anywhere near :) Yep, we're pretty fed up with awful people. Where are you looking for a new homestead? boy I'd sure love to put some hidden motion-activated cameras around my property if I had your neighbor problem. And dust them with some buckshot in the rear as a welcome anytime they decide to touch a fence of mine!
Plug 'em right between the eyes Phe!
They can bite you and your shotgun. :) I agree. I don't have time for people like that. Good fences make good neighbors, but I say if they jack with the fence...well, then the fence owner no longer has to play by the rules. :)
More and more often, people stealing, harming, destroying property that doesn't belong to them. I am noticing a lack of morals, and it's not just in our young people. (Oh my gosh, I feel old saying that.) Last week someone tried to dig up a grave in one of our pioneer cemetaries. I don't know what the answer is, Erin... Hang in there!
Revolting! I hope you have better neighbors wherever you move to.
Even at this late date, I would call the sheriff and file a complaint. At least you have it on record if you have to shoot the thieves!
Ugh! Bad neighbors can really ruin your day...(and sometimes life in general) I'm sorry you have to deal with such horrible people.
If you are interested I have a great realtor who has property in rural Alabama and the land price isn't that bad.Plus you wouldn't have THAT kind of neighbors.mentsg
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