Meet Sammy

Here she is greeting the Neighbors Paint. Hope they get along, because that is who she will be riding with.

Sammy is Good Neighbor's first horse. She is 11 years old. She use to live at Good Neighbor's. He decided he couldn't take care of her anymore, so Sammy went to live with good neighbor's brother on a cattle ranch. Good Neighbor's brother wasn't able to give her the attention she deserved, and I was asked if I would like to have her. Of Course I did! Boys are silly.
My taking Sammy was discussed before Sunny died, just felt the need to throw that out there.
And if you couldn't tell by the way this post was written, I am a giddy little school girl.
Oooh, I'm so glad you've gotten another horse! It's so hard to lose them, I know. Hope you enjoy the Mare Temperament - geldings you can bully somewhat, but mares, you have to work with them. I love my mare but she's feisty!
(I really enjoy all your posts; I just only know enough to comment on the horsey ones!)
Yep...she is a beauty, all right! Looks like she will fit right in!
Sammy looks really healthy! I hope you get to enjoy her for many years to come!
preety pony. Yes, I know she is too tall to be a real pony, it just rhymed well. =)
Sunny is a beautiful horse!! congrats :)
Nice looking girl for an older mare.
Congrats, Phelan. I wish I had a horse. I hope she's a gentle ride. And, of course, how could you say no?
I'm a homesteading neophyte myself.
Just found my way here from my own blog.
Sammy sure looks nice,
Oh, she's beautiful. Congratulations on the new addition!
But boys are silly...
She is absolutely beautiful! Congrats!!
She's a beauty! :)
Just curious how can you afford all these animals (plus new ones) when you couldn't even afford to keep your home?
I actually have been waiting for someone to make this comment. How can you afford the animals if you couldn't afford to keep your house?
I never asked for any help. If any of you want your money back, ask, and I will start giving it back. It will be slow, but I will eventually give it all back to you.
But if you really want to know. Here is the low down.
We fell behind. Not on purpose, we just did. Things got bad, we almost sold off the livestock. But didn't do that soon enough. Our Propane bill was insane, as was a few other bills. The animals actually cost very little.
As of right now, motorcycles are coming in, we are able to pay everything in a timely manner and have some to stash into savings. The cows are making me some money, enough to pay for their own feed. I spend $50 a month on feed, and they make me $52 a month. The horse was a gift, and 2 months worth of hay as well. We are trying to build a business and if things get bad again, I will have to sell off everything.
As of this summer I will be on 120 acres where I don't have any money to pay out for the land, the homestead will be rented to pay the mortgage on it. And I will no longer have any feed bills because it will all be grown on property.
We also did the math on growing and raising our own, and even with the feed bills and not making money off of anything, we are saving money.
We had a turn of luck, things have improved. And the livestock will help bring in more money. We are now ABLE to keep our home.
*Eye roll* Oh please, Anonymous! You imply that they're back in the city or else out on the street or something! They were quite able to keep their home thanks to some people who understand (and are a part of) the homesteading lunacy movement (and I swear that's an affectionate term, not an insult).
Has Sammy fallen in love with hubby yet? Rawnie Spangle, my draught (Vanner) loves men & tries to be head mare with me. Snegi hates men, but is so skitty. At the moment she is holding court & is a princess surrounded by admirers. Sammy is a lovely mare. Meadowlark put me on to an ATV (horse-drawn) which can have anything that fits a quad added to it. I'm saving up for 1 at present. Maybe an idea for you, in case the tractor gves up & it'll work Sammy... (blame Meadowlark!)
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