The adventure begins as thus, we made a mistake. We trusted someone that we knew better than to trust. We were informed by our brother-in-law that he had a neighbor with a stock rack and that he would find out if we could borrow it. A week goes by and there is no news. My husband called him and asked about this stock rack, the brother-in-law had never asked the neighbor and informed my husband he would head over there right that moment and ask. He never called back.
I know that some of you do not know what a stock rack is. I attempted to find a link with a good definition. There is no such thing. I tried to find a picture of a stock rack to share. How very sad that the only good one I could find was a toy truck!
The cage on the back of the truck is a stock rack. I called around and was informed that it is difficult to find them anymore, most people want trailers. ~sigh~

I found myself calling and looking up used trailers for sale or trailer rentals. You can not rent a horse trailer in the state of Kansas. Now what? We leave soon. My brother-in-law, a different one, has a trailer. It has no lights and needs new tires. Guess who gets to go and buy a harness and get new tires for it today. You guessed correctly, me!
And of course my sister-in-law is treating me badly, questioning why I had to go to Texas to get a donkey. What she doesn't understand is that it's not just about the donkey. It's about a friendship, and about my husband and I being without children for a weekend. The only vacation we have ever had.
Hopefully, tonight we are leaving for Texas to go and pick up the demon donkey.
Sundays make it from scratch will be Cinnamon Raisin Bread
I will be back Monday to tell you all about it.
Good luck! I hope you are able to get everything together for your donkey-plus this weekend.
I hope everything comes together for you this weekend. Best wishes!
Have a great weekend, and drive safely!
Darlin' WHY didn't you say something sooner about the trailer problems?
We could have found a way to let you borrow ours.
I need you to email me one of y'all's legal names so it can be included on the traveling papers. Gotta go get them at 2.
Good luck and drive safely
You just don't pay any attention to signs, do you Phelan? This donkey has had "demon" written on it since the first step. Good luck. I have a feeling there will be more to this story...
Be carefuul and have fun
Ah, just when you thought it was just going to be a nice road trip, it became an epic adventure!
Hoping with and for you that you DO have that time away, VACATION!, and that it is better than you imagined :)
Tried to get a hold of you before you left. Give me a call sometime when you get a chance. Hope the trip back is good.
Have a nice trip!
It is about an adventure!! A trip to Texas to pick up a Demon Donkey. Don't let anyone question that. It is a must do.
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