Day One
Slush fell from the sky as we pulled out of the homestead. I had been watching the weather reports throughout most of the day, and was confident that we would miss the severe storms down south and the winter storms that were just beginning in my area, that is if we kept to our schedule.
We dropped our three boys off at my mother's house, then headed off to the local auto supply store in search of a trailer light harness. The slush was slowly changing into snow as we entered the store. Quickly we bought the gear needed, and jump back into our black truck, heading south on our way to my brother-in-law's.
We pulled in their driveway around 730 pm. The truck was swung around and backed up to the trailer. Soon the two were connected and we were on our way.
Wait, why aren't we moving? The trailer was stuck in the mud! My sister-in-law and I spent some time shoving fencing and plywood under the tires, until the truck became stuck as well. We weren't going, I knew it.
Ten thirty pm, my brother-in-law arrived home after work to find part of his cattle field torn up and our truck slowly sinking into the dark mud. His Bronco was able to tow out our truck and then the trailer, via a chain and drier ground. Eleven pm, we have the wrong part for the trailer harness. This caused my husband and my brother-in-law to drive the thirty minutes to the nearest town, and 24 hour Walmart. They didn't return until one am, without a part.
My husband lay in the slush and snow, the water and mud trying to find a way to connect the lights to the trailer. By two thirty in the morning I had had enough, "We are running." We hit the toll road around three am, no running lights, no brake lights, no turn signals, we were outlaws. Alas, no police officers were around to see our crime.
The snow thickened as we entered Oklahoma. I knew we were in Oklahoma because the road abruptly changed, becoming pitted and uncared for. I was curios why the State felt the need to cover their signs with gray tape. How was anyone to know where they were, or how fast they should go?
The snow flakes grow larger and thicker. Soon you could no longer see the lines in the road. Luckily people aren't as determined as we are, and we were alone on this stretch of highway. The signs still covered in that gray tape, no not tape, snow, so we had no idea were to turn to find shelter, or when an exit was coming up until we were already on top of it. We were in blizzard like conditions.
Finally in the distance a blue sign high in the heavens. That must be a hotel, it must be! We pulled into Perry Oklahoma, and slept for 3 hours. Not a single snowflake littered the ground when we awoke.
Slush fell from the sky as we pulled out of the homestead. I had been watching the weather reports throughout most of the day, and was confident that we would miss the severe storms down south and the winter storms that were just beginning in my area, that is if we kept to our schedule.
We dropped our three boys off at my mother's house, then headed off to the local auto supply store in search of a trailer light harness. The slush was slowly changing into snow as we entered the store. Quickly we bought the gear needed, and jump back into our black truck, heading south on our way to my brother-in-law's.
We pulled in their driveway around 730 pm. The truck was swung around and backed up to the trailer. Soon the two were connected and we were on our way.

Ten thirty pm, my brother-in-law arrived home after work to find part of his cattle field torn up and our truck slowly sinking into the dark mud. His Bronco was able to tow out our truck and then the trailer, via a chain and drier ground. Eleven pm, we have the wrong part for the trailer harness. This caused my husband and my brother-in-law to drive the thirty minutes to the nearest town, and 24 hour Walmart. They didn't return until one am, without a part.
My husband lay in the slush and snow, the water and mud trying to find a way to connect the lights to the trailer. By two thirty in the morning I had had enough, "We are running." We hit the toll road around three am, no running lights, no brake lights, no turn signals, we were outlaws. Alas, no police officers were around to see our crime.
The snow thickened as we entered Oklahoma. I knew we were in Oklahoma because the road abruptly changed, becoming pitted and uncared for. I was curios why the State felt the need to cover their signs with gray tape. How was anyone to know where they were, or how fast they should go?
The snow flakes grow larger and thicker. Soon you could no longer see the lines in the road. Luckily people aren't as determined as we are, and we were alone on this stretch of highway. The signs still covered in that gray tape, no not tape, snow, so we had no idea were to turn to find shelter, or when an exit was coming up until we were already on top of it. We were in blizzard like conditions.
Finally in the distance a blue sign high in the heavens. That must be a hotel, it must be! We pulled into Perry Oklahoma, and slept for 3 hours. Not a single snowflake littered the ground when we awoke.

See, I knew you were the better one to document this adventure...I am no good at suspense.
So, do the boys hate me?
you have more cojones than I. I at least need to have brake lights.
What an adventure! Can't wait to hear more! :)
hihi.. ggreat story!! :P
What a fantastic trip if it gets anymore exciting that demon donkey will be driving home! Be safe
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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