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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Continuing Saga of the Quest for the House Cows

Yesterday my husband finished up the corral fencing, using field fence that his brother was set to throw out.
reclaimed field fence

The main gate was finished as well
gate before

gate after

The beginnings of a milking stanchion has been set into motion.
beginnings of a stanchion

It would be horrible if the people changed their mind about selling us those cows. Good thing that we just got a phone call. THE COWS ARE COMING! (run away, run a...way) We will be leaving this afternoon to pick them up.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you will soon have the cows! (Especially now that you have gotten everything ready for their arrival.)

Stephanie Appleton said...


Anonymous said...

*tips over from excitement* :D

Jederah said...

Yay Cows in all their mooey goodness. Oh btw when are you online with your messenger?

P~ said...

Hey The fence looks great! Glad to hear you'll be getting the cows soon. I look forward to seeing them! Good luck!

BTW, I've been enjoying your pen to keyboard posts as well.

jeanne said...

Hooray for cows!

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