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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Some Good News

Having a hard time getting on blogger this morning.

As the tittle states, I have some good news. I went out yesterday to inspect the orchard. With all the rain and warm weather, I had a glimmer of a hope that some of my berry bushes survived that late hard frost. One of seven blackberries made it, one of three raspberries and one of three blueberries. All my grapes are going strong. One of two nectarines are ok, all my apples, my pear trees are fine. My peach tree isn't going to produce this year because the blizzard killed off all the flowers, but it looks like it survived.

Have I mentioned I loathe gardening? No? Well there comes a point where I feel that I am finished planting, then look over and things waiting to be put into the ground have multiplied. How did I end up with 42 tomato plants? Some days I would like that instant gratification that comes with driving to the grocery to get whatever I want right then and there. I always feel this way at this time of year, give me until harvest and I will be giddy with the excitement of fresh veggies. Nothing taste better.

Last Saturday I visited my local Farm Market. For being so early in the season, we had twice as many vendors then we did at the same time last year. Green houses hadn't offered seedlings in the years past. A new bakery was present, so I bought some bread for them. A local beekeeping couple was there, she was a tricky one. All I wanted was a large bottle of her honey, yet I walked away with the industrial size bottle. What am I to do with a gallon of honey? Also a couple from Haven, Kansas were selling their organic beef. Greener Pastures. I bought 5 lbs of hamburger, 4 KC Strips {nice and thick} and 8 minute steaks. All in all I spent under $100US on everything. Surprisingly enough, the steaks were cheaper than at the grocery. If you are new to the Farm Market scene, it's best to look around and price before going forth and purchasing, and sampling a little of each vendor is a good idea, no two steaks will taste the same {unless they are grain fed and mass produced} Once you figure out who you like, buy a little extra to freeze can or preserve to help you through the winter. That is if your markets are like ours, seasonal and open air.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that at least some of your trees/bushes survived what they've been through.
What to do with a gallon of honey? Make mead or metheglin ~ I love mead; but maybe you don't drink ~ I'm sure I must have books with useful recipes in them for honey products: it can be used as an antiseptic on burns, eaten on the bread you bought.......... If you wish I could try to find what honey books I have & other strange books with weird things in them

Billy said...

Okay, I really need to know more about this farm market. Where is it? Need some more info at your convenience please.

Do you ever feel like the plants could attack at any moment? :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips, as you know I'll be new on the Farmers Market scene this year. I need all the help I can get. Although the gallon of honey story concerns me a little! ;)

Phelan said...

Killi, I love mead, just didn't think of it. Thank you. If you have some honey books that would be great. I would be happy to trade you some books.

Abba, I sent a quicky email last night, I'll send a better one today. When the tomato plants get larger, it can sometimes feel like you are getting smothered. ;)

Farm Mom, farm markets aren't to overwhelming. Not too much different than you local grocery. Remember to bring cash and try not to get to excited about everything there. Go early in the morning, within an hour of them opening, the crowds will be smaller and there will be more choices. And beware the honey pushes, they pop out of the corners and whisper sweet ideas in your ears. :D

lisa said...

My perennials that need planted have been giving me the evil eye for awhile now, and they are definately plotting something! If I can't get to them fast enough, I try to at least repot them, but I know how you feel with lots to do this time of year. Veggies are even more demanding, of course-no harvest if they stay in little pots! I have every confidence you'll get it em' who's boss!

Celeste said...

We are geting no rain. They said last night that we are not due any for at least the next 10 days.We are in a extreme drought.
You will need to repace the blueberry bushes.

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