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Monday, April 30, 2007

The weekend and a little education

We did not fix the field fence, instead I pulled a half acre of fence and T-posts. And now I have man arms, or so say I to my husband who thinks that is hilarious. We also unloaded all that lumber we bought. Needless to say that I am sore.

More of the garden was tilled, but we did not get to some of the other project that are needed. And Killi, to heat a goat pen, in my lingo, is to put up an electric fence. Something else I didn't get to. But containing the hens seems to be working.

My oldest son is doing the Art, Lit and science Fair today. He picked a visual science project. The Complete Egg Cycle; from hen to hen. I will be taking 2 of the frizzle chicks to school today. I don't know if this will be good or bad with how the children treat him. He wanted to take the Cornish birds, but I thought the uniqueness of the Frizzles would score a few points. We shall see. He did a great job though, he has the entire process and two possible outcomes for the egg, hatching or eating. I will take photos and tell you how it went. Keep your fingers crossed for him, not to win, but that the kids act better towards him.

A few of the images on his presentation;

Close-up of immature Ova and mature Ovum


Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

That's great... We were just discussing how many eggs were in the hen when one was laid....That one pic looks familar...

Cheryl said...

Sounds like a great project - fingers crossed!

Celeste said...


Carla said...

That looks like one great science project. Wow!

Anonymous said...

I understand about heating goat pens now, I had visions of portable heaters/fires/ underfloor heating being installed for them! It's not that far removed from "hot-wiring" a field with electric fencing as we have here (a hot wire is usually an extra plain electrified wire added to the fence).

I hope the presentation goes well for your son ~ it looks as if he's put a lot of work into it. As I write this, I have a chick hatching ~ the only 1 from my most recent hatch. Apparently everybody is having humidity problems this year with their incubators ~ I rang a smallholding company up for help & herbal grass mix:

Jeff Roberts said...

The project looks cool! As for "man arms"...

She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. (Proverbs 31:17)

Hey, that's an attribute of a virtuous woman!

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