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Sunday, December 10, 2006

I know what I want to be when I grow up

I know, it's late and I shouldn't be blogging and baking on little sleep.

I want to be a Granny Warrior. As many of you have come to realize, I get daily emails about NAIS. Once in awhile a Granny Warrior email will pop up. More times than not, the messages make me smile. I thought I would help them out and buy a Granny Warriors t-shirt. I also bought two copies of a DVD. If you haven't seen it, I recommend that you do.

The movie is called America: Freedom to Fascism;

Determined to find the law that requires Americans to pay income tax, Aaron Russo (THE ROSE, TRADING PLACES) sets out on a journey. Neither left- nor right-wing, this startling examination exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America. Through interviews with US Congressmen, a former IRS Commissioner, former IRS and FBI agents, tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, voter fraud, the national identity card (becoming law in May 2008) and the implementation of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to track citizens. A striking case about the evolving police state in America.

I have never been good at reviews. It's the struggling, self demurring artist in me. I loved the movie, in fact I liked it so much that I am giving it away.

I will shortly have 2 copies here. If you would like to get your own copy you can buy it from the Granny Warriors, or leave a reply here and I'll place names in a hat. I will leave it open until Wednesday evening.


The Fool said...

Put my name in the hat, Phelan. I'd be interested. The term facism gets tauted about today - so it's a line I try to follow, and try to understand. Most often, it's spoken of as an ideology (macro), but, following D&G, there is a micro-element inherent in the individual as well...a will towards the same state. Tough to recognize or admit, but recognizing and fighting that is the beginning. I'm open to hear what Granny, or anyone else, has to add to the mix. ;)

newfarmlife said...

Please put my name in the hat for the dvd. Just read the info on the film--very thought-provoking, and something to share with friends. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please put name in the hat.

I have a good friend who hasn't paid income tax for over 10 years. She's self employed and last time I checked she said she had only gotten a few letters but nothing major. I'm too chicken to do it myself but would love to learn more. If I got it, I would watch it then get everyone I know to watch it then donate it to our public library. Then, my community would have the opportunity to watch it as well.

Wendy said...

Please include me in the hat. Looks like something we could all benefit from knowing.

Stephanie Appleton said...

Add my name too please. Sounds interesting. Sorry I'm a bit late on this haven't had much time to go visiting!

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