The blonde kittens are named Jim and Gem. That way when we teach them to talk they can introduce themselves as Gemini. Large's idea.
I will return with projects soon. Thanks for bearing with me.
And you know you are always welcome to ask questions or propose a topic that you would like to see a post here on. Already have one request for a scary story.
I am a big cat lover :) Kittens are always good to help raise spirits!
Great play on the names.
Nice to see your humor is not impared.
Wifey got a kitten a couple of months ago and wondered what to name it. I told her just to call it "Dammit Cat" because that was all it was going to hear anyway. She chose Maude instead. However all I ever hear her say is Dammit cat, quit that.
you just get better little lady
Very punny!! I've always tried to have two cats at a time (plus a dog) live with me. At present I have a brother and sister, Maxine and Nunzio. They were already used to their shelter names when I got them and they joined Biskit (Westie) and me in our little family. Hope your knee is on the mend. I've starting physical therapy to help strengthen muscles weakened by the months in a wheelchair.
Adorable kitties. How are you feeling? How goes the healing?
QUESTION: I want to build a coop with an eye toward deep bedding. I only want a small flock, but at time will need to hold more ducks when I am raising some meat as well as some layers. So keeping this in mind, should that coop and run be much larger than the proscribed 5x3 for the coop and whatever the run might be or is 5x3 enough for 8 birds?
Some cat fun. Hope you're all better though.
I've found Lots of necessary information from your blog. Just bookmark your blog for more explore! I will definitely share this post with others. Thanks for sharing.
Just checking in to make sure your doing ok! Hopefully all is going well or as well as to be expected! Lots of love and hugs,
Awww! So adorable!
Still alive and ok? wondering if you are healing all right? Lisa
Still alive and healing. I was dealing with some massive depression, but things are starting to get better. I promise to be back soon.
Miss you all.
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