Suddenly the power went out, just as I noticed the alarm clock shone neon green, 2:02 in the morning. I lay there in bed, waiting. The sound that followed was incomperhencable. I thought, maybe it's a herd of raccoons, bent on eating my face, was running across the roof of my trailer. Shivers of mother's terrifying horrors ran quickly down my spine, yet just as quickly turned into goosebumps of excitement.
My window lit up in a brilliance of white blinding light, and the walls shook in the aftermath.
Rain had found the Neophyte Homestead.

Oooo.... moisture from the sky!!! What's that like? I seem to remember it from some fuzzy past life....
I hope you got a good amount!
What a wonderful thing to wake up to! I hope you get enough to cool the critters off and keep some of the plants alive!
I'm sure happy for you and the homestead !
The ground was pretty well dry, but the bike was drenched.
Sky moisture! Anti-Sun!
Oh, how wonderful. But probably not enough to do more than cool things off a bit. We all need a long, steady rain. For like three days.
I hope it's a sign of more to come.
Yay rain! There have been a lot of storms here but apparently we were living in some atmospheric black hole because the storms kept passing my county by. We finally got a storm tonight after having been passed over by the local storms for the last month. Took out our power, which killed off the filter on the fish tank. *shakes head* Rain, I just wanted rain.
It's been a while since I've checked on any of the blogs I'm "following" but I'm glad yours is at the top of the list. We got a nice loud storm in Indiana last week, too-the first in, oh, I dunno, 3 months or so? It was GLORIOUS! So glad you got some, too! Rock on! \m/
hahahaha over here in the UK we ONLY get rain. I have forgotten what the sun looks like. Swap?
Nice build up! I was wondering what that was all about. It's a great feeling waking up to some good rain especially after the past hot weeks we've been having. I fear thunderstorms but the rain that comes after just gives you that relaxing feel. The rain especially makes me enjoy sleeping more. I just hope the rain stays a few days longer. And I hope that it's just rain that would come, no thunderstorms please!
I am so glad some rain found you folks. I have been keeping you in my thoughts-this summer has been horrible for so many farmers this year :(
I loved the sound of rain on a metal roof
Haha! A creative way to introduce a rain storm. I love a good rain storm in the middle of the night.
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