The super secret grown up prize is. . . Something Husband wants.
No, stop bringing the sheep up. I seem to have lost the photo of the prize.
A package of rachet tie downs!
We love them here. And I mean love. We use them for all kinds of projects. We wear them out.
So our mysterious Canadian Sponsor would like you to pick a number between 1 - 100.
1 comment:
oh yes, please, go hug a Canadian - bahahahahahahha!
oh Phel - i am super-tired as you must also be. but this is the funniest post that you have put up tonight!
my jambaloney loooooooves ratchet tie downs just like your hubby!
i am picking the number 99 because i love 9's. but if i win, then i want the prize to go to whoever has left the most comments during your blogathon!
not long now, hon and then we can hit the sack!
your friend,
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