Maximizing your Mini Garden by Brett Markham
Donated from Skyhorse Publishing

Husband would like you to record yourself doing a head spin to be able to win. But I will make it easier on you. Tell me what's in or just a little bit about, your garden.
This will be left open until Midnight central US time.
My garden is mostly pumpkins, right now... I planted three pumpkin plants, and they've taken over the pea and salad beds and are sneaking up on our yukon gold taters and roma tomatoes!
We actually have two gardens - one here in our yard (we have about 1/4 of an acre ;) and a little plot in a community garden. Lots of toms, peppers, squashes, brussel sprouts, chard, basil and something else but I've forgotten!
I'm in The Sacramento Valley of N. my garden is a year round food producing machine! I only purchase my tropicals: pineapple, bananas and coconut (I am trying to grow them, too... I have a stone fruit and apple orchard, citrus orchard, nut orchard, berries, grapes and that's just my garden husband and sons' farm a couple thousand acres: vine-seeds (long story), almonds, pecans, wheat, sunflowers, corriander, rice, corn, cotton, tomatoes, sometimes hay...and just about anything else that is legal...but wait you asked about the garden not the farm!
My garden is all potatoes and what ever seeded from last year. We've had such strange weather- until this last week it's been super cold at night.
My garden is in its early stages. I have one pumpkin in the yard, more waiting to be out and some herbs waiting as well. I have plans for more in containers soon but this is my first garden so very new right now.
Despite a dry start, our garden turned out good! Lots of snap beans and corn. Potatoes and squash were pretty too. Our tomato plants looked horrible, but put on plenty of fruit. We'll take it!
I have lots and lots of peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, peas.
I have lots and lots of peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, peas.
I have lots and lots of peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, peas.
I have lots and lots of peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, peas.
I have lots and lots of peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, peas.
I have lots and lots of peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, peas.
I have lots and lots of peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, peas.
I have lots and lots of peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, peas.
I have lots and lots of peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, peas.
OOO, I want this one.
I currently have ONE sad little spinach plant, onions, peas, broccoli, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, two sad little brussel sprout plants, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, squash. And weeds. And a few weeks ago, I was growing a nest of rabbits.
no, seriously...rabbits IN my garden. look:
My garden is 2 raised beds and a dozen large pots. I have herbs in about half the pots. I have tomato plants in the other half. The raised beds have cantaloupe, peppers and onions. I normally do potatoes too but didn't have the time to get them going this year. The water bill is usually the deciding factor of what gets planted around here. Oops! I almost forgot. I do have an orange tree and a lemon tree.
I have tomatoes like they're going out of style- regular sized, cherry and roma tomatoes. Butternut squash (yumm), pie pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, gourds, corn, leeks, snap beans and finlly, wax beans!
hmm peas and greens are done. Tomatoes, taters, herbs, carrots, beets, tomatillos (lots as they self sow), beans, squash, cukes, peppers, onions, okra, eggplant, sunflowers, amaranth, all growing in my vegetable garden. plus blackberries, raspberries, grapes, and bush cherries scattered around. Hopefully I'll get harvests!
My little garden is mostly tomatoes and peppers, with the fewest weeds this year than I've ever experienced. My job requires me to receive many packages at my home, which has generated a LOT of cardboard. Rather than toss it I have been laying it between the beds and covering it with shredded leaves, pine needles and straw. The weeds that have succeeded in popping through along the seams and edges are easy to pull. I'd love to learn more from the book!
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