Up first is this brand spanking new book! Yes ma'am. You heard that right. Published just this year, it has the latest editing, high tech proof reading, shinny and still has the new book smell.
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO HOMESTEADING donated by Skyhorse Publishing, can be yours!

Merely leave a comment, tell me what your high temperature was yesterday.
You have 2 hours.
28C here in Nova Scotia Canada :)
Weather.com said it was 92F in Ferndale, MI, but my outdoor thermometer said it was more like 100F. Felt like 173F.
21C in Cape Breton!
It was 98 on my thermometer with heat index of 104. Seems like we had a little cool spell.
Yesterday afternoon, the deck thermometer showed ll5 degrees (in the sun)for about 20 minutes - then it went back down to 110!
I think that it was 83 here in Maine...
The truck said 120, the camper read 112, in the shade it was 104 and the water temp out here at the lake is 88. Too hot to fish, too hot to golf, but just right to lay around in the water.
We're in the 80's already and looking for a high in the upper 90's.
My car said it was 104. Blech.
82℉ yesterday in Saitama, Japan.
I don't know what time zone you are in and if I made your 2 hour deadline or not, but here in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia the high yesterday was 22C.
(I'm visiting your blog from Kymber's. I love what I see so far :-)
110 in Memphis, TN!
91F in Milw, Wi. Humidity in the unreal zone...:)
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