I can't link directly to his picture, and you have to register to vote. (I have never had a problem with junk mail from them) He is on page 9, and you have to uncheck the Unrated only check. I know, seems complicated. But I think they are trying to get people to vote on more than just their friends and family photos. ( his pic seems to be changing pages)
Here's the picture

Please go here to rank. Thank you.
You have to un-check the 'view unrated only' box and he is 3 or 4 pages in. (as of this reply) Uncle Kelsay
voted :)
DONE....Cool rooster....
Voted. I love this picture. Such in your face attitude look to it, "this is mah rooster". lol. good luck
I voted...Small was on page 13 when I got there. The page didn't say I couldn't vote but stated..... The contest will be officially launched on March 14th with full details on www.mcmurrayhatchery.com and will run until March 31st. We can’t wait to see your photos!
Thanks everyone. Small is thrilled about you voting for him.
Mama bear, they haven't changed that yet. That was for submitting your photos, voting started yesterday.
Voted =)
They do make it complicated. I hope I did it right.
Thank you all. Husband did the math, if Small wins, that's 33 ducks!
33 Ducks!? Oh my! Voted and good luck to Small!
You guys rock! Small will be grinning ear to ear when I tell him.
I voted. 33 ducks wow! is the number based on the number of votes? If so can we vote more than once?
Thank you Macbew. Unfortunately you can only rank one picture once. When voting is over, the top ranking photos are reported for everyone to vote on again, this time for first, second, third and so forth. First place gets a $100 gift cert. Husband doesn't want ducks, but Small really does, so if his pic wins, I will let him chose what he wants. I do hope to talk him into getting other things and not end up spending it all on ducks.
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