I have decided to have random give-a-ways. To thank my readers and just cuz. But you will have to be on your toes, and pay attention.
Ashley in Nebraska won my Jelly and Jams recipe book in yesterday's contest. "Jam on the Range" Congrats! What? there was a contest? Yes there was, it was listed in the comments section. Told ya, you got to pay attention ~insert evil laugh here~

everyone's rushing to check comments now. :D No worries there will be more contest for the feed readers (as the feed runs a day late) and facebook readers that don't see comments from here.
You know I always leave a comment - but I hardly ever read all the others.
I get too anxious to put in my say :D.
Congrats on five years - that is awesome. Glad you have been here and we are friends.
Hugs my friend.
I know you do. And so do a few others. That's why I left the contest in comments. To give you guys the first shot at winning something
congrats and great achievement on your milestone!
5 years must have gone by rather quickly as busy as you must have been. Living on a farm is an awsome life been there for 22 years and loved every day of it wish I were there still. Mallardhen
Lurker here--so what did you end up naming him? I liked the last suggestion--Yikes--myself--LOL!
5 years is a long time! Nice to see you stuck it out to show the rest of us just how it's done!
I've certainly been inspired by your efforts...and entertained by your post!
Keep up the good work for many years to come!
Congratulations on five great years! I think I remember the early years on the Neophyte Homestead. Wow! It sure has been a journey, hasn't it?
Wow, five years blogging and 10 years homesteading! Congratulations to you and your family!
(You'll have to stop calling yourself a neophyte, though!)
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