I included this photo because I still think Husband is a hotty, especially when he is working.

Cows seem to be very happy. They scared one of my mom's helpers. He has never been close to a cow and it worried him.

Small said he wasn't feeling well. And you know what they say. . . animals have a sense about these things.

This was a good ending to a productive day.

Hi Phelan, I have been reading your blog for 2 years now...you have inspired me and helped me so much! My house used to look like yours! It is absolutely amazing the amount of work you have done and how far you have come...just wanted to thank you!
Thank you Lisa. My mother gets the credit for the inside of the house more so than I.
What a huge accomplishment! Congratulations on your progress.
Oh, wow. Can't wait to see the "finished" pics!
I started following your blog late last year and your amazing. I hope are Homestead turns out as good as your. we are also in the process of it all but yours has come along way. Keep up the great work.
You still make me laugh with that. White trash farm... Your such a trip. The place is looking livable. I can no imagine how hard it must be to balance all of it along with the rest of the homestead and raising your young family. Major kudos Chica!
(and I know what you mean about the husband thing. The Captain wears these camo or other cargo shorts with flip flops while helping me in the yard, which make my heart flutter. I have no clue what it is about it that get up & him assisting me but it does it for me still. ;) )
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