Only 3 people so far have entered to win the 72 hour kit worth $69.95.
You have 7 more days to enter. I know you want to tell me about that leather jacket you thought was so cool back in high school, or the one size doesn't fit all chaps incident.
Find the entry post here>>>Win a Trekker 72-hour kit!
And remember to get your friends to vote on your suggested name before the 30th! 2 names will face off on the 31st.
Yes, I am blatantly trying to get you guys to link to my blog to help me raise money for the Blogathon. Use one of my banners to be entered to win a t-shirt of your choice from Crazy Dogs t-shirt.
And sign the pledge to win a goody bag from RoadRUNNER magazine.

1 comment:
Hmm...if I really, really want to win, does that for two?? I could post another bike race story, Mizz P. :-)
I'll see if I can't manage to post a link on my sidebar...but don't hold your breath - Blogger and I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to widgets.
Shade and Sweetwater,
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