My horse neighbor is back from Iraq. I am happy to see him return safely. It is always a finger nail biting time when he is deployed. Luckily he is usually back within 2 weeks. But he is sent over so often.
Easter was pleasant. We took a long lazy raining afternoon and ran with it. Saturday I was forced to attend my husband's family's Easter Party. I rather shovel cow manure all day in 100F+ weather. Easter Sunday, my boys got up, happy to see that a bunny had brought them each a book, hunted down some plastic eggs, got sugar rushes, all while I made breakfast. Fresh sausage from Mrs. Meat, homemade biscuits and hashbrowns with homemade butter and milk. For dinner we did the usual pork loin in apples and cream, Au gratin potatoes, green beans and rolls with butter. And a wonderful Boston Cream pie (my oldest son and I were out voted). Hope everyone else had a pleasant Sunday.
I have noticed, when some one mentions the word prepper, people seem to automatically think Survivalist, and then think of the Uni-bomber. Well, I have officially donned that scarlet letter, and am now writing for Kansas Preppers Network. It really isn't different from Homesteading. Homesteaders prepare for winter. That's what we do. But preppers prepare for just about anything. If you are curious, go take a look at the Kansas Preppers Network, and then, from there, you can find a network for your own State. We might not all agree on the politics, but there is a lot of things to learn and to incorporate into your daily homesteading lives. Excuse me while I go sew my letter onto all my garments.
I also received an award! This had me giggling.

"The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all..."
Thank you Melonie!
The 5 I would like to pass this on to shall be:
Hermit Jim
Scarecrow's Garden
My Freezer is Full
Adventures in 100 acre Wood
So is it gonna be a P for Prepper or S for Survivalist? ;-)
LOL You are very welcome! :-)
I think a P Would be best. I haven't gotten on the Survivalist band wagon yet. ;)
I just want to know if you're going to wear a tinfoil hat? They are quite fashionable these days and can be reused to cook a meal over an open flame or to get better reception for the homestead tv antennae.
Well I hear that the Zombie Chickens are attracted to shinny things, so I have decided to just not think, that way they and others can't read my thoughts. Oh and maybe a golden football helmet, dull gold, will help as well.
Well, thanks for the award...I think! The last thing I want to have to worry about is an attack by a raving hoard of Zombie Chickens!
Question...can I just take one of my "gimmie" caps and cover it with tin foil? Would that work?
Glad you had an enjoyable Easter...
You'll have to ask the Martian Chick, she seems t know a bit about foil. :D
Gotta love the Zombie Chickens! =)
Goodness me! I'm so honored!!! My hubby will be so impressed! Zombie chickens! Who would have thought I'd be preparing for that!!!
Thanks so much!
Zombie chickens...heh apropos..or is that apres Poe?
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