DeconstructingVenus has tagged me. No worries, it is not a RFID chip.
7 Things
1. My favorite song is not of the metal genre. Candy Colored Clown by Roy Orbison. (But to justify it, I fell in love with it when I saw the Blue Velvet)
2. FogHorn LegHorn is my nemesis, and if I would eat him my life would be slightly less enjoyable.
3. I am 5 foot 9 inches tall
4. Since I have done this meme several times, I am having problems picking out new facts for you.
5. I watch cartoons, even when my boys are gone.
6. I had my first rememberable kiss in Kindergarten, and then wouldn't allow a by to touch me again until Junior High.
7. I wear glasses, not because of poor eyesight. I have better than 20/20 vision, but my eyes argue over light when I try to see in the distance.
I would tag 7 people, but I have learned that the people I choose tend to inform me that they have already done this and will not be doing it again. I think this is my 5th time.
I had thought abbagirl74 tagged me, but I can't find it.
Have a great weekend! Tonight, we sleep with the dinosaurs.
Hope you had a lot of fun last night. Lucky kids... lucky you!
H'lo Phelan. You are an endless wealth of revealings...that's what makes you so interesting. Warm wishes to you from a cold place.
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