2. Freerange Living
3. The Back Forty: Over-The-Hill Homesteading
4. The Evolution of a Micro-Farmstead
5. The Unusually unusual Farm Chick
Fellow Positive Global Change Award recipients, it's easy to participate in this meme. At minimum, you can proudly display the BPGC badge on your blog and bask in the glow of our collective good will. If you are sharing the kudos, however, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. The participation rules are simple:
1. When you get tagged, write a post with links to up to 5 blogs that you think are trying to change the world in a positive way.
2. In your post, make sure you link back so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Leave a comment or message for the bloggers you're tagging, so they know they're now part of the meme.
4. Optional: Proudly display the BPGC award badge with a link to the post that you wrote up

2. Millertime
3. Momma Write about books
4. Raven's Road
5. Lilla Chinamengri Killimengri
Oh my gosh.. Thank you for bestowing me with such an honorable award. I do believe I am speechless. I will display the badge with pride and will work on passing the Spotlight to others sometime during the weekend.
Thank you Phelan. You sooo rock!
Thank you so much, Phelan!
Hey thanks Phelan. I love blogroll, sometimes i get stuck in a rut and fail to find these awesome new sites on my own.
LOL! Thanks Phelan! I didn't nominate you for an award just so you could nominate me for one though!! :) You're awesome!! :)
Thanks, Phelan - I look forward to checking out these other blogs! Would've commented yesterday but Blogger seemed to be having a bad day.
Wow! Seriously? Thank you! This is my first ever!
Wow....thanks Phelan! I have been a bit absent from the blogosphere, managing my stress, and this is a much-needed pleasant surprise! Hooray!
Squeee! Just, squeeeeee!
This is the first award I have ever won for blogging.
Unbelievable...!! Thank you so much for the honor, Phelan...very humbling to be in such company!
Your encouragement is always a shot in the arm :) Thank you again!!
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