You know you have too many tomatoes when you dream about them.
I canned 9 pints of Ketchup and 2 1/2 pints of tomato juice. I used the cherry tomatoes for the juice, thanks to El's suggestion over on The Modern Homestead. I added a little sugar to make it just a tad sweeter.
Ketchup is an easy one, except that it does take a while to make. 3 of my 4 burners where going, and boy did it get hot in here. I only managed to process 14 lbs yesterday, that means more today.
I might just loathe tomatoes by the end of all this.
If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen.
Hi Phelan. Nice tomatoes, kid.
Back on the homefront. The road was very good to me. Stories to tell. Blueberries are in season at this end of the stick.
Putting things back together, and carrying on at the blog. I've reposted Sanguinary. Holding on to Felo-de-Sol until I'm in a darker mood. Too damn chipper at the moment. Life will take care of all that in due time.
Welcome back! You were missed. Oh and you have missed a lot of things around here. Glad you are back.
When we bought our house, it came with an old-school camp-like stove on the back porch, complete with a gas line running through a hole in the wall. I thought, hmm, I wonder if the former owners canned their food. Then I went into the basement and YEP! LOTS of old canned food, from like 1985! I hated to see it all go into the compost, but really. Yuck. But what a great idea to put it on the back porch (imagine three sides of screened windows).
Glad to hear the Great Ketchup Roundup went well, Phelan. If I get that many cherry tomatoes this year, I may go that route, too. I had great self-control this year and only planted 3 cherries and 2 pear tomatoes!
oh, I am thrilled to hear about the porch stove. Our new house has plans along those lines.
I'm doing beans, but like you am pretty much living in the kitchen, and we have also decided a canning kitchen of some sorts is a must! (that is if we ever build!)
Hey Phelan, I'm behind everyone this year. My tomatoes are just starting to orange up. You'll all be enjoying a slow down and my torture will just be beginning!! :) Hey, I emailed you like you asked and haven't heard back, I'm hoping there's no problem. I made my donation in one lump sum instead of the two pledges I made, that didn't create a problem, did it?
When I was looking at houses in Crimea, several of them had "Summer Kitchens" ~ outside cooking facilities, usually a raised fire area that was screened a bit from the wind ~ sopunded a brilliant idea. I still don't have a fire-pit here & my pothook & firetins are in England on my waggon
Amazing how hot canning can make a house, but oh how sweet the rewards. Post some photos of your beautiful jars, will ya? I just love seeing home canned goods.
I just sent my check in. fyi...
Love the mater people! A deer just demolished my crop, hopefully I'll get a few more before we move.
BTW I would totally meet you for lunch if you ever come through!!!!!
Stephanie, beans were my bane last year. Good luck with them.
Farm mom, mine were slow as well, then BAM!
Killi, I thought of doing that, but I would have to build a wall to block out the Kansas wind.
Katie, I will as soon as I can.
Abba, thank you. I will talk to you soon.
April, I hope you do too. And I will let you know when we are out that way.
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