Did you know it takes more sleep to recuperate after no sleep for a 24 hour period, then when you are on a regular sleep pattern. Wow, the blogathon messed with my system. I was up at 3am ready to do chores this morning, fell back to sleep and didn't wake up until 8 am.
The blogathon went well I think. If you are just now catching up, there is a month and a half worth of posts for you to read.
Thank you to those of you that stayed up with me and kept me company. And hello to my new friends.
Sponsors, you did great! We raised a lot of money for Farm Aid.
Now, to get this coffee through my blood stream, and get on those chores.
Hi again Phelan,
Just thought I'd stop by and update you on the voting for bestest blog of the year. We've had over 8000 votes cast by over 100 different voters in just under a week. A contest update can be found at the new and improved brand new home of Bestest Blog!!, original details can be found here. With a week to go still, that $50 prize, title, and bragging rights is still up for grabs. Also, be sure to get in the running to be blog of the day again this year by joining the Blankest Blank Blog Directory. Thanks for reading and please stop by and leave a comment at the new Bestest Blog some time!
Congratulations on making it through another blogathon!
I can't believe i missed the whole thing. I wanted to at least stop by once or twice to chear you on. My life is no longer my own. Congrats on the great job though that took some gumption.
Excellent job! I really enjoyed all the entries....
Yeah, it's like having jetlag. I'm getting there!
You did an amazing job again Phelan!
I emailed you my receipt from FarmAid when I fulfilled my pledge in case you need to keep track.
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