Mushroom Ravioli in an Alfredo sauce

I must say, it look a lot better in real life than it does on the computer and the taste is to die for nummy!
To make it easier on El, who does the Midwest OLS here is the run down
Making the pasta part 1
Pasta part 2
and then
The filling
Now, where is your dinner?
If you want to be in the drawing for this bag

post me a pic of you dinner in the comments by 2 am central time. I will put your name in the hat for the drawing. any dinner get your name in once, pasta dinner twice, ravioli dinner three times, and my recipe {no cheating and giving me my own picture} four times.
I adore that bag, but I just accidentally ate my dinner and forgot to take a picture.
Go find one then ! Don't tell me you have nothing on your flickr page.
OH! I have an idea!! Be right back!
"I must say, it looks a lot better in real life than it does on the computer ..."
Oh, really? I just can't imagine.
Here's a little something I cooked up tonight for your contest.
To be honest, I hesitated to even let you see this little specialty of mine because I didn't want you feeling badly by comparison. But, hey, it's a contest ... and so I brought my 'A' Game. Way it is.
Anyway, I call it Toast A La Carte Happy Face.
I wouldn't try that on your own. You'll need a sous-chef.
You so want this bag, don't you?
Jeff made this one night for supper. Sadly, all the food on my flickr is stuff that Jeff made. Yummy?
I'll check my hard drive for pictures of food I've made now.
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