Stephanie, author of 2 blogs I enjoy reading, wants to know more about our log house plans. It's very difficult to find a 4 bedroom, 1600 sq ft plans for a house. But we did find one we liked, unfortunately the company charged a little more than we wanted to spend. We are looking at Satterwhite, they use dead standing logs, which is more eco friendly and we are talking to Centennial about what they can do for us in a bermed style house. Things are sill up in the air as of now.
Caroline says, I'm surprised at the carrots; which variety? We go the way of the nantes. I have never had a problem growing carrots, they like the loamy soil and partial shade. This I found out the hard way. Everything I read said that carrots like full sun, but my carrots that got full sun did poorly and the ones that found themselves growing under a volunteer sunflower did wonderfully.
She also asks about my father. He was removed from the ICU for 24 hours and suddenly had an infection that caused him to go back into the ICU. After a 48 hour stay in there, he came down with pneumonia. He is still on the ICU floor, but no longer in a glass cage. Looks like he will be there at least through the weekend.
misstreeBc asks; Have you thought about raising sheep and spinning your own yarn or weaving your own textiles? (I could totally see you with a spinning wheel and/or a loom!) We do have our minds set on sheep, what kind, I am not sure yet. And just about everyone that has an opinion on the subject thinks I should spin. We shall see.
You do have goats, right? Do you raise them for the milk - or are they pets? Our goats are pets. They were my husband's birthday present, you can find the story here.
And would you ever think about raising a dairy cow or two? (Enough for your family.) We have decided on purchasing 2 cows. We are looking at getting Irish Dexters {the kind Monica over on Smallmeadow Farm has} They seem perfect for us. My brother-in-law happens to know a local breeder and we might have them this spring.
Turnip wants to know bout the garden "plan-o-gram" So living in the southeast, are there any good resources out there I can consult for one of these? I always suggest talking with your local extension office about what is good for your area. If you want to do some Companion gardening I recommend the book Carrots Love Tomatoes.
I would definitely suggest some fiber animals! If I were to get some sheep, I would probably want one or two each of a couple of different breeds that are favorites - Finnsheep, Shetland, and CVM. I love my dairy goats, but if I didn't have them, the idea of small cows is tempting. Big cows ... not so much.
Thank you for answering my questions. I can't wait to hear about your experiences with the Irish Dexters, and I hope you do decide to spin and weave; it would be! :-)
Thanks for all the updates! I really have my mind set on getting some goats soon. Besides our plans for our rabbits, the goats would be the first useful animals around here! :)
Funny, a couple of days ago I reserved the book you mentioned at the library. I like to "preview" them from the library before buying. It must be a good one. :)
Were your chicks just the cherry on your cake? :-( Hang in Phelan: Life will get better. Everyone is rooting for you. Don't forget---we all get to have weeks like that and neither do we enjoy them nor appreciate it when others have to have them either. ( Sorry---I haven't been around very much so haven't been keeping up as I should) Thinking good thoughts for your dad and you and your family.
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