After all that sleet, it took a week to get above freezing. One day at those temps did little to melt things before the snow came.

We received 10 inches of snow.

On a sad note, our chick is missing. I am assuming that something {
like a skunk} grabbed it.
Ten inches? Ugh. I'm sorry that you got so much snow but I'm so glad that didn't hit us. There are still a lot of people in our area without power....that much snow would have caused even more problems.
btw: Our power came back on Saturday. I was so thankful!
Oh, I'm sorry your chick is missing. Do you have a rooster in with your hens? Maybe you'll have one go broody again soon. If you don't have a rooster, I'll volunteer to have some fertile eggs sent when one of your hens goes broody.
JEALOUS. We only have a couple inches on the ground. I think we're on track for the warmest and one of the least amount of snowfall years ever.
sorry about the chick though.
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