And that one new blog is ~drum roll please~ Naturally Food. This blog is a joint effort between Dahl, Emer {both food writers} and myself. This blog is in its infancy, but if you are interested in home cooking, using herbs, and wines, keep an eye out on this blog.

Now, I am off to go play in the snow!
lurker here, i also have a blog about simple living and my general musings about life...will definitely check out the new blog you added, I love to cook and love wine (although I am missing it now as I am pregnant!)
Checked out your new blog because I need to do more home cooking. :)
Hello there; I just discovered you, using the random blog button. I have two blogs:
We didn't get nearly as much ice and snow as you did.
my blog has evolved to more banter about home life with twins but i throw in some indoor air quality, green living and simplicity. I have found some great blogs myself so feel free to check out my links, (you being one of them).
Carrot-dude is cool. ;)
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