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Monday, November 27, 2006

Another long weekend

We did a little repair work, here and there. Then headed out to the in-laws.

What we see along the way.
A major television station, tiny and in the middle of a field

A very large church, in a very small town.

Political Correctness has yet to penetrate the deep dark rural areas of Kansas.

I have been asked to tell of five untold truths about me by Abbagirl74 over on Wheel. I have been meaning to do this {she tagged me awhile back}

I wonder what exactly it means by untold truths. I gather it means things that I have not said here, and not correcting falsehoods or coming to grips with my personal truths that I have denied myself. I don't think meme's are that deep. Let's see what 5 things I can tell you about myself.

1. I am a perfectionist that is terrified of failure so do things half ass.
2. I keep my Christmas lights up all year {the clear icicle kind, they are great porch lights}
3. I am not a Christian, but my oldest son is.
4. I have a darker past then I like to admit.
5. I seem to always have a book in hand {I have even taken them out into the barn, to read during breaks in my chores}

Now for the tagging, {I was informed to tag 5 people}

Stephanie from Adventures in the 100 acre wood

Katie from Simple Katie

Ellie from The Cedar Chest

Tammi from the Unusually Unusual FarmChick

Lynn from The New Homemaker.


Billy said...

Were you visting Colwich? I hope to live out there one day. I love that little town.

Phelan said...

No, we drive through Colwich on our way to Argonia.

Anonymous said...

Ha, nice rural sights. I think I've seen some of the same in my years of rural living. Used to live in Kansas, too... crazy what you can still find, eh?

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