Apples; 9 lbs down.

Picture's a little crooked, isn't it?
Yesterday I made spiced apple rings. Mine are slices rather than rings, but they do eat the same. Warm them up slightly, top with whipped cream, and it eats like a crust less apple pie. Not too bad. {The recipe is being used in an article, when published will link to it, if you want it}
Apple trivia to amaze {annoy} your friends with; The Celtic word for apple, abhall, is still used in many place-names, and some towns and cities have particular associations with fruit trees Norwich was described in Tudor times as 'either a city in an orchard or an orchard in a city'
I dreamed of apples last night. One of the draw backs of processing the same food item over and over.
Thanks to alrescate, I walked around most the day saying "Porkchopsh and appleshaushe" thanks Brady Bunch!
Bug sent me her German apple pancake recipe that sounds incredible.
Any more apple suggestions?
on an amusing story note; I gathered some peppers out of the garden, they looked like hot peppers, but were in the sweet pepper area. I asked my husband to taste them, and tell me if they were indeed sweet. He tasted and told me they were. ok, so last night I cut them up and used them on the pizza. I then rubbed an itch out of my eye. They were hot peppers!
Hee. I'm glad I wasn't the only one walking around muttering that....
Great buy on the freezer! That will be so helpful!
Nice find on the freezer. I'd be interested to hear how you like the upright compared to a chest freezer.
BLIMEY that's a whopper of a freezer! Good stuff!
I love getting deals like that!
Are you doing all those apples by hand or do you have a peeler/corer?
Hey thanks for adding me to your links! I didn't even know you were reading my blog!
Stephanie, I do have a peeler/corer, but the corer part has gone missing.
I have tried a couple of times to reply to your blog, but I keep timeing out, sorry.
Too bad about the corer, but the peeling is the worst of it in my opinion.
I wonder why you're having trouble leaving commnets? Darn blogger! :) Thanks for reading though!
Congrats on your new freezer! Looks a lot like the one we inherited with the house.
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