On to the apples.
Lisa suggested that I make pre-spiced pie filling
Merry has an apple dessert handed down through the generations she is allowing me to use
Carl informed me that hard cider is the way to go
anymore suggestions?
6 lbs down! I made cinnamon apple sauce yesterday. Unfortunately, I do not have anything to weigh out the apples I am using. So when a recipe calls for a certain weight rather than measuring in cups, I am at a loss. Doing a little digging, I was able to find out that 2 cups of sliced apples equals 1 lb of whole apple. It took a lot of different key words, and it was buried in page 30 of a google search, but I did find it.

6lbs apples {12 cups sliced}
2 cups water
1/2 cup sugar {more if you like it very sweet}
1 tbl bottled lemon juice
Mix the lemon and water together in a large pot. peel and core, slice and measure your apples, and immediately place them into the water/lemon, this will keep you apple slices from browning. Stir well every time you put more apple into the saucepan, coating all. Heat over a medium-high heat until your apples are soft, stir constantly. The timing will depend on how firm your apples are. Using a food processor, puree the apples and juice. If you don't have a food processor, keep the pot on a low simmer, and mash until desired consistency. Once you have done that, return the mix to the saucepan and heat back up to a boil over medium. Stir in the sugar, {if you want cinnamon add 3/4 tsp after the sugar}. mix well. This can be canned, makes 4-5 pints, use a hot water bath {20 minutes}
Apple trivia to amaze {annoy} your friends with ; Apples originated in the Middle East more than 4000 years ago.
I also canned tomato puree

Oooh! I'll have to email you a tasty recipie for German Apple Pancakes! It's uber quick and yummy as hell, I'll send it over in a bit :o)h
How about some apple chips? That would probably be a good one for the dehydrator....
I also love baked apples but I don't know if that would be something you could can or not.
A German immigrant ancestor of mine, about the time of the American Revolution, developed a strain of apples noted for keeping well throughout the winter. But the strain (the Hoss Apple) is almost completely unknown, except perhaps to a few apple experts in eastern Tennessee (the Johnson City area).
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