Challenge #2
For this challenge, I would like for you to tell me a story. It can be true or make believe. But tell me a story about your visit to a farm or homestead. Every one that posts here in the next 4 hours will be eligible for a prize. Extra points will be given as I see fit, for the grand prize.
oh, what do you win for this one?

The fabulous, most creative, lovely, beautiful, warm sexy woman on the face of the plant will crochet you your very own scarf. {No not me} She goes by the moniker of Greedyreader.
The picture above is a shawl she made for me, you may not request it.
Hmm, did you know that I have an OBCZ at a local CSA farm?
It's Tuesday, I spent the morning labeling books, it's the labeling and the data entry into the site that takes me forever. Otherwise I would flood the world with books. Now I load up the car. Kids? check, books? check, empty egg cartons? check, bags? check? Off we go. The farm is just about a mile beyond Chris's school, but the way my world works, they don't have CSA day on any of the 3 days he goes to school. So much for only making one trip into town.
We park. It's been hot and dry long enough now that the mud puddle have finally dried up. Kids run off each one in a different direction. Kenny into the barn to find cats to molest, I mean cuddle. The girls, off to chase the chickens. I play the role of a very loaded down mother hen (still packing a basket of books) and gather kids back up. Into the barn we go. First stop, to take care of the book shelf. Second to get some good food. At this CSA the food is placed in bins with a sign up above it saying how much is in the share for the week. So down the line you go. A head of lettuce, 2 pounds of beets, 4 pounds beans, 4 cups blueberries. You get the picture. Then off to the fridge to get my milk and eggs. Next step, while still trying to keep children near me, is to pick up the organic fruits and things that they order for us to get. Bananas are a must. Cherries are yummy this time of year. Queue up again to pay. Kenny takes girls off to chase chickens again, while I hike back to car to unload.
We spend another 15 or so minutes helping the birds get their weekly workout, then it's time to go home and get this stuff in the fridge, freezer, or tummy. Opps, the blueberries didn't even make it home.
a story, huh?
Well many many years ago my class went on a field trip to a farm. My parents were not the outdoorsy type, so I had never even seen any animals up close before, with the exception of our pet cat. I was so excited. I got to feed some chickens and goats and pigs. I got to ride a horse for the first time. We got to see real veggies that were not just painted on the side of a can in the pantry or in a bin in the grocery store. I was very young and had no idea where eggs and milk and veggies really came from.
When I got older and had children of my own I took them to a farm so that they could see for themselves that food does not just magically appear on grocery store shelves, but that farm families work very very hard to put food on the table of people all over the country. And they got their chance to feed goats and chickens and taste farm fresh veggies, and ride horses.
I look forward to going again.
Here is my story, though I don't want to win my own scarf. If you like it, you can give me points.
I grew up on a farm in the midst of suburbia. We had a 6 horse barn in our backyard, and every morning I would get up at 5:30 and go and feed horses and muck stalls.
At one time, we got a dozen chicks for Easter. My brother, sisters, and I put food coloring on the ones we claimed as our own. Unfortunately, I developed a HUGE allergy and my Dad had to get rid of them all. (Another reason for my siblings to pick on me.)
In addition, my first ever job, besides babysitting, was to work at Secors Farm. They had about 50 acres in northern NJ. (It is now the site of townhouses.) Anyway, on Saturdays, a few of us were sent out to pick corn. (It was a great opportunity to wander through the corn fields, get high, and munch on freshly picked corn.) On Sundays, I would work the farm stand after church.
I shucked more corn that summer than I have in all the years since -- combined!
YAY!!!! I am soooooooooooo excited.
My PaPa and Mamaw lived on a farm when I was very young. We would go visit them every year or two in Texas, making the long drive from California over the course of two days.
My siblings are 7 and 9 years older than I, so when we would go to the farm, they wanted to go do things with our older cousins while I had to be content with other amusements.
The farm had a pond on it, located in the bottomland. One time, everyone was going down there to go swimming. Since I loved swimming, I really wanted to go, but my siblings discouraged me by telling me that there were snakes there (true).
I reluctantly stayed back and Mamaw showed me her apricot trees and her garden to keep me busy.
I don't know if it was the same day or not, but I once had the chance to go out with PaPa to see his cattle. He put his cowboy hat on my head and set me on the back of one of the cows for a moment. My mom got on to him for it, but I was so proud! :-)
(from buffra)
When I was in nursery school, we went to a farm and got to pet the little "peeps."
And, growing up, my grandparents and my great-aunts and uncles shared a garden. They each had several long rows and then they shared whatever they grew. My uncle Mike grew weird things that no one else had heard bok choy and kohlrabi! I liked helping with the seeds and shuffling through the tilled soil in bare feet. Later, we'd help shell beans and sit on the porch in the evenings.
Not a real farm, but that's my best memory of "farming."
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