My knee is broken.
I have been rather stoned. Having nightmares of falling, of course that causes me to jerk in my sleep, and in turn sending shooting pains down my right knee and leg. But am feeling a bit better.
Husband was discharged yesterday, and is right now sleeping on the floor at the foot of my hospital bed. I adore him.
I find out today if I will need surgery.

And the bike is totalled. For those of you that wanted to know, we slid on some sand turning right.

Forgot to mention, one tank was having some fabrication done on it.

Ouch!! BUT you both survived! Praying you have a quick recovery.
Oh Phelan! I was thinking about you this morning! How long ago did it happen? What kind of recovery/recoup are you looking at with your knee? Knee injuries are never good, my dad has both his knees replaced twice.
Be careful out there! Many of us think the world of you! Get well soon!
Sweet girl! I am so sorry your hurt and so glad you survived! Keep your spirits up, it will take some time to heal. your friend always , the rat
(((Phelan & Hubby)))
I am glad you both survived. Thoughts and prayers going out to you both for a quick and complete recovery.
I'm so sorry, Pretty Lady. Bless your heart. See, this is way I can't convince my wife a Harley is needed in my life...and why she'll never see this post. I hope you get well soon and tell your husband the same from me.
damn girl!!!!! Sending my best to you and Dan. Let me know if I can help....
I just got in from the national run up to West Virginia....just getting caught up on the blogs....
I know it hurts like hell....Last good slip-n-slide I took on my FXR was in 2009, and I left more skin on the asphalt than I cared to.
I am here for ya...
I'm sure sorry to hear about the accident, but I'm glad it wasn't any worse!
If you need anything...I mean ANYTHING, just let us know!
Take care of yourself, my friend! Glad the hubby is still kicking as well!
I am so sorry to hear... Thank the Gods that your both still alive and kicking!!! I'm praying for a fast recovery for you both!
Ouch! I hope you mend quickly.
Thank God you both survived. Being laid up with a homestead sucks. Hope you have some supportive friends nearby. Praying for a quick recovery!
Yippee if this goes through. I can't comment on your blog too much since google changed the word verification. It takes me two or three tries until I finally give up!
Owwww! Glad you and Hubby weren't hurt any worse than you are. Hope everything heals up on you two without any hitches.
Oh my. I am glad it's not worse. Post how/what happened when you can.
Praying that everyone heals quickly!
oh Phelan honey...i am so sorry. is there anything that we can do? oh honey - please heal up and get better soon. all of our love and healing thoughts and prayers are coming to you. if yer bored - email crazy chat stuff to me - i promise tokeep checking.
oh honey - i just want to come there and rub some vitamin e oil on your face and temples and massage you to sleep. i am so sorry Phelan.
your friend,
Glad you got away with what you did. Hoping for a speedy recovery. We all know it's never if but when.
I'm so sorry! We went riding today too. It was a perfect day for it. I wish your day had not been marred by injury.
Holy crap, lady! So glad you guys survived, and sorry it wasn't unscathed! Hope you heal quickly!!!
Holy Crap! Broken knee! Youch! You two are so lucky! Please get some rest...and heal.
Seriously I must be on something...took me 4 tries to get the robot words right! I need to get my eyes checked!...
Wow, Phelan !!! Haven't ever been on the bike when hubby laid it down, but he has laid his down before...not good :( I can't imagine how a broken knee would feel, but I'm sure you are in extreme pain. Thinking of you both, and hoping you get well very soon.
Jesus Phelan. Take care of yourselves. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.
Thanks guys. This happened Sunday morning. And I am still waiting to find out if surgery is needed.
Adding my well wishes to the chorus. Speedy recovery to you and the DH.
Much sympathy and many prayers for speedy and complete healing, friend! I'm so sorry this has happened, yet thankful that you're receiving care and recovering.
Phalen,I am so sorry to hear about your accident,and that it wasn't worse! Sending you good thoughts. Get well soon!
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you are both ok! Hope you have a quick recovery.
Aww. I'm sorry you've got on an accident. I'm glad both of you survives. Hoping for your speedy recovery. God is good!
racing horses
Glad you're both OK. Hope you heal quickly.
Oh, goodness! *Healing thoughts and wishes for a quick recovery*
Crap! So glad you are both still alive! Wishing you a quick recovery!
I hope speedy recovery dear,my ex and I were hit by a drunk driver back in 1980 and now I can barely walk much less move because of my back.I can really relate what you are going thru riding a motorcycle but as soon as you can get back on it if you love riding cause if you don't you never will.I still love em!
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