No not really. Now no name calling. This is the start of giveaway number two.
This is to win the Katadyn Hiker Pro Water Filter! Donated by Ready Nutrition.
There will be a series of trivia questions, 6 in total over the course of the day.the person to get them all correct, or close enough, will win.
First question.
At what altitude do deer turn into elk?

aren't they two different animals?
Is that your answer Heather? ;)
4700ft above sea level!
yes, i am going with two different animals :-)
In Heaven (whatever altitude that is. LOL
Though Elk are in the deer family, they are 2 different animals. Final answer :)
Poor deer...they never get to become Elk...unless they join the Benevolant and Protective Order of Elks. I believe there are Lodges at many different altitudes!
Lynda, bwahahaha. You got me rolling!
These are the answers I found on line... "at what altitude do deer turn into elk. I told him 2000-2500 feet, except for the rockies!" And "That's not 10,000 ft. elk turn in to mountain goats. They are white because they are afraid of heights."
LOL! Good question even though they are both a different species... :o)
It's not an altitude thing, it is an attitude thing. The ones who really believe they can turn into elk, do!
They are most definately 2 different animals but are closely related.
They don't because they are a differnent species than elk.
Deer never turn into Elk at any altitude~~unless they don't use the proper turn signals....then,s*** happens.
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