Only 2% of Americans farm. Out of that 91% are family farms. 14% live below the poverty line. 90% of their income comes from off farm work. 70% of them have only a High school diploma or less (55% of all farmers overall) 20% end up on food stamps. Though many more are eligible.
"You work hard or you don't eat"
Out of curiosity, and feel free to call me a nosy git, what level of education are you and your husband at? Do you wish you'd done anything differently? What do you expect the boys will want to do?
I have talked about it before. I tested out of school and ran. Husband went to college for orthopedic surgery. The to a tech school for motorcycle mechanics.
If I did it differently I wouldn't be here.
Large wants to be an anime artist, and is working on goals to get there. I don't think any of my boys will homestead, though I wouldn't put it past Small to join a Rodeo.
Amen, and I have a scheduled post for this evening in your honor.
Me? Why thank you Stephen.
Haha a rodeo. Awesome. Apologies for asking things you've already covered. I've fallen behind in my back-reading.
No worries. I don't freak out about those things. Only time I get annoyed is when someone jumps on my for being "graphic" after I have given them ample warning.
Wow! Those are some stats! Do you have a link for your source on those I would love to share them.
It would be interesting to see a post of individuals statistics on this.
Farm Poverty This is the most recent data I could find.
Demographics US EPA
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