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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

And the Award for the World's Laziest Hen Goes to. . .

World's laziest hen

That tiny egg came from a normal sized hen that has been laying for 6 months. Her dietary needs are met, just as the other hens, I don't think she is stressed unless removing those roosters caused her to be depressed (but at least her feather were able to grow back). Maybe she is reaching menopause already.

She lays normal eggs daily, except once every 2 weeks. (she could be laying two eggs on those days, and the small one is the second)

Husband has decided she's just being lazy.


sel said...

Wonder what that chick would look like if it was hatched!! Ha! Mini chickens! Sorry couldn't resist.

HermitJim said...

Like everyone else...maybe she is just downsizing!

Pretty strange when you think about it!

Carolyn said...

Ha! We just had a normal sized hen do the same thing to us about a week ago. It had yolk & white inside, although the yolk was not fully developed. Still ate it though! :)

Anonymous said...

I get one of those every few weeks... no yolk in it though!

Basic Humanity said...

to be fair, if I was squeezing out eggs everyday, I'd only lay a small one every once in a while. but then, I'm lazy too. solidarity, my feathery sisterlay a small one every once in a while. but then, I'm lazy too. solidarity, my feathery sister

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