You really didn't fall for that did you? It is April Fools after all.
Lucky you however for at least checking it out, even if you knew it was a hoax. Why? Because I am really truly having a give-a-way. Seriously.
But I am not going to tell you what it is. It could be just about anything at all. It could be a zonk. It could be a book, or food. Or I am just a serial killer waiting for the right person. You just don't know. And that my friends is part of the fun.
So if you would like a chance to find out what the prize is, leave a comment and tell me;
Would you be a fool to enter?
Or would you be foolish not to?
~insert evil laugh here~
Heck, I'm just a fool for contest, so I'd like to know what the prize might be!
No matter, it's always fun to take a chance, right?
You have a great day!
Right now, being a serial killer victim isn't the worst problem I could have...
I'm in! I'd definitely be a fool NOT to enter, considering the last time I won a give-away from you I was able to get a pretty (and useful) wheel barrow for the homestead here! (That's what I got with the CSN store gift certificate) And OH MY!, without that wheel barrow my life would be a lot harder!
Even if it's a *zonk*, it is always fun to get something!
And if it's the serial killer laying in wait...heh-heh, they better be able to get through my security!
I'm game! Bring it on :D
Can't resist a mystery. I'd be a fool not to.
Bought some mushrooms to make spore prints so I can try mushroom cultivating based on your post a few days ago. Thanks!
LOL cute car. Hey if you are a serial killer I do hope you don't get caught you are suck a nice person :D
Oh - I already won your fabulous seeds, so I will beg off on this one to give others a chance. :)
Can't wait to hear what it is!
[Totally forgot it was April Fools ;)]
sure you did skippy.
Rivenfae. suck? That a typo or are you saying I am a vampire? :D You really shouldn't be giving my secrets away.
yep that was a typo.. my fault for typing while motivating kids to get out of bed...
I'd be a fool not to enter, for sure... what is life about if you don't take a chance. And I could use a new car, hint hint!
Surprises are fun, right?. . . except for the time my husband woke me up to say the house was on fire, surprise!. . . or last week when we woke up to find a racoon, IN THE HOUSE. Surprise!. .. Well, how bad could this one be? Just call me a glutton for punishment and sign me up!
Buwaaaaaaa HAaaHAAAAAAaaaaaaHAAaaaa Im IN...
Jbmaine at metrocast dot net
I agree with everyone else you never know if you don't take a chance. It will be fun regardless
Well, entering will be fun. I would prefer to be passed over if you are a serial killer though.
I'm in.... except for the serial killer thing..
I'm used to acting the fool so I vote for I'll be a fool for commenting. Thanks for this opportunity to laugh at myself.
I am a little sad that no one wants my serial killer.
count me in!
A fool either way.
It's fun, and I didn't win the powerball, so maybe my luck resides with this contest.
I am terminally unlucky, so I am throwing my hat in! :)
Your blog looks nice, even so it would be far better if you’ll be able to use lighter colors too as a professional design. This will make sure that a lot more readers come to check it out.Informative post by the way!
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