She graciously sent me a copy for review.
I read it quickly, as I tend to read. The book is full of great tips, trials and successes. She gives you scenarios to think about, what if. . . what if the teotwawki was only 21 days away?
Surviving the Apocalypse helps guide suburban and urban preppers and steaders in their first and continuing steps at being as self sufficient as possible in a limited arena. If you are just starting out I highly recommend this book as a guide. If you are an old hat, it will help to serve as a reminder.
The chapters are broken down to help digest the what-nots of suburban survival. From Fire to Livestock. From Health care to Networking.
It is limited in information, however that is true for most homesteading and preparedness books, and should be incorporated into your private library. It is well written and witty, and although I don't agree on all the philosophy and opinions stated in the book, I still believe that is was well thought out.
I do recommend this book.
Now to win your very own copy, tell me, will you survive the zombie invasion?
Extra points for details that make me cringe ~insert evil laugh here~
Contest opened to all for 1 week.
how timely - I just saw this book in Mother Earth News and fell in love. Count me in please. Oh, and we would survive a zombie attack, it is the living that I worry about!
Yep, I will survive the zombie attack.... I got enough to hold up until the weak and the adle brained die off... Then I got mad skills at scrounging... LOL! So if I don't have it I will be able to get it! Sorry to early in the morning for gore... :O)
I just said cringe, not necessarily gore :D John Tesh makes me cringe.
You bet I'd survive a zombie attack! I raise most of our food, I make everything from scratch, I've lived without, don't need a social life and I know how to defend myself.
Yes I would survive a zombie attack. Just run them over with the lawn-mower.
I would like to be entered in your giveaway! Honestly I am not sure I would survive. Have two guns but not that many bullets. See I really need the book! LOL.
Not really sure tho I do raise a lot of food and buy in between,still I guess it depends to the circumstances. I hope so!!! Blessings jane
The book sounds great! Our plans for survival include having stores put by - the skills to hunt, fish, grow more -- and the skills to protect family and children - but our plans also include much prayer - prayer this never comes to pass but that if it does, we are prepared sufficiently to help others as well as ourselves!
If it is a blood borne illness that causes the zombie apocalypse, I'm not likely to make it. When you are swinging away with a chef's knife and an aluminum baseball bat, it tends to get messy.
Red_beard, you made me giggle. 2 points!
geeze, I am Erin by the bye.
Glad to see everyone so optimistic!
I plan on surviving the zombie attach with the help of the good old twinkie and slingshot. Misdirection is the best defense. Shoot the twinkies one way and run the other. Hopefully, they will be twinkie zombies and really go for them.
If they aren't twinkie zombies, maybe they'll be twizzler zombies and I can use the twizzlers in a trap and catch. I would feed them twizzlers as long as I could. If they survived long enough, maybe start a zombie dating service for them. No one should be alone, not even a zombie.
I want this book! I need it so I can learn how to survive the impending zombie invasion. Here is a joke my kids told me..."Zombies. Eat flesh." I hope that was cringe worthy enough! Love your cool blog!! :-)
Wold love to read this. We've been prepping for years and I'm pretty sure we'd survive a zombie attack without too much of a problem :)
Just like in Y2K, I told people there were welcome here BUT they had to do physical labor in order to eat and sleep. That weeded 'em out in a dang hurry; no takers at all.
No layabouts welcome so don't even ask.
FTM, Twinkies? really? What are we supposed to do when that craving hits. I just wanted 1 twinkie!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a fun movie. I will give you 2 points for that.
Twisted, haha! ok 2 for you
Thistle, layabouts are good to feed the zombies we will train to do are farmhand work. :D
I totally forgot about that movie, lol.
Actually, on second thought, I will definitely survive the zombies. I live near a freshwater lake and have access to a pontoon boat. Guess what? Zombies can't swim. I'm fishin' and survivin'.
We will survive the zombies? I definitely think so! Plenty of food here, we have the resources to grow our own, barbed wire coiled up and ready to line the fences, maps of locations to salvage from... :)
Better to be prepared than clueless!
TEOTWAWKI? Sure, I'll get through that. I know how to fish and garden and am not averse to physical labor to get things done that need getting done. Zombies? That I'm not sure about. Zombies are at the very top of the "stuff that wakes me up screaming from nightmares" list and while I do currently have a shotgun, right now I only have a limited amount of ammo and it's birdshot at that.
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