Video's, story's and photo links can be found here> > > Action Day Videos.
To show my support I am giving away a copy of Urban Homestead By Erik Knutzen and Kelly Coyne. Google received a complaint and a Legal form letter stating that the title of this book is trademark infringement. Their Blog can be found here at Root Simple.
Just leave me a comment telling me why your are a homesteading Junkie (and just cuz does qualify, but I wouldn't mind hearing more) and your name will be placed in a hat.
The winner will be announced Wednesday morning.
Wow I didn't realize you were following them on facebook. I heard about the video day.. and considering I don't put images of me or my family online I'm not participate in it today. If I ever manage to get divorced maybe I'll start posting videos, I'm thinking of getting a video camera to make vids of our house building this year and we are going to apply it to our chicken coop. We're making a birdcage dome house
Yes I am following the Rivenfae. I think what happened to the was outrageous. And even though I am rural, I thought I would show my fellow Urban 'steaders a bit o' love. I have several city dwelling readers.
Husband just bought me a new camera, I thought about making a couple of videos.
Ain't our legal system wonderfully blind. Here is a book that was written in 2008, copyrighted and published and and now some jack*** in Califoney land is saying it infringes on his/her/their trademark that did not even exist at the time of publishing. AND our supreme court says it is legal for some "church" to invade funerals and rudely insult everything the patriot that gave his/her life for this country proudly stood and sadly died for!
On the plus side Bob, this book is gaining sales because of it. And that Church is based here in Ks. We combated the situation years ago by creating The Patriot Guard. (Husband works on a local chapters bikes)
Altho I too am very rural I support the Take Back Urban Homesteading movement. For one, no one can *own* the movement and for another, as a Farmer I believe it is in everyone's intrest to be able to produce their own food...and to also experience the ups and downs of trying to do so. Homesteading=self-sufficiency and that's good for everyone.
not Chapter, as they don't ave Chapters, but a group that likes to hang out at the local VFW
I am such a homesteading junkie here, lol! There is nothing quite as pleasing to my ears as the sounds of my chickens contentedly clucking away as I feed them. The smell of manure when I clean the goat and chicken pens doesn't offend me...I like it! Manure means COMPOST! Compost means more veggies! Everything is inter-connected...and I think that is what appeals to me, seeing the connections and being a part of them!
I've been watching this fiasco unfold with my mouth open ... It probably shouldn't be a surprise though, especially with the direction things have been taking lately.
We are homesteading junkies living in Las Vegas, NV. We're out on the outskirts, but the convenience of everything is about 20 minutes in each direction.
We are raising chickens and ducks, they came first. The duck was bought with the intention of being food 2 years ago, but he is such a character that we've kept him around for entertainment lol.
We are also raising goats, currently have a yr old pygmy female, a 6 month old nigerian dwarf female, a 2 month old nigerian dwarf male and a 1 month old la mancha/nubian/alpine mix female (her name is Heinz since she is such a mix). We take the goats out into the desert during the day to let them graze.
We've tried the gardening a few times, but short of surrounding it with land mines, we have struggled to keep out the rabbits, lizards & quail. So now I grow in smaller containers in the house.
Thanks for the giveaway and for your blog. My husband and I were really happy when we found the posts on butchering goats, written from the truth aspect and not made pretty. Hope you don't stop writing =o)
I'm rural too but I used to be urban. And urban homesteading is even more important than the rural variety because too many urban dwellers have no idea where their food comes from
Oh, count me in! I joined the Take-back-urban-homesteading group on Facebook. I had admiration for that family until they pulled this. *shakes head*
we homestead as a means of saving $$ & prepare for the crash < yes a little prepper doom there. =)
I'm a homesteading junkie! Please count me in the drawing as I've been thinking about getting the book, if for the only reason to tick off the "church" of Urban Homesteading! What a crock!
Anyhow, we're trying to do more & more around here to become more self reliant & much to my husbands dismay, I'm adding more & more berry plants each year!!
I too am a homesteading junkie, even though we live on one acre in town. I'd love to read this book, and support the movement of taking back our urban homesteading.
Thanks Phelan!
I'm more of a suburban homesteader on 6/10s of an acre. We do it in an attempt to eat and best we can and to show our kids that it can be done.
I am not just a junkie, I'm a zealot. I eat, sleep and breathe anything and everything that has to do with homesteading, urban or otherwise.
I was born in the country and although we weren't farmers, we led a farm-ish life; home grown food, bartering, hand me downs, homespuns... just regular hands on life. I moved to the city in my 20's and have spent the rest of my life trying to get out. It was never the right time, or I was too broke, too busy, ill-informed or ill-prepared and finally I decided, "I can exit this poorly any place, why not 'live' in surroundings and in a lifestyle I love."
I'm moving to a rural area later this year!! :D I'm praying that it's like riding a bicycle; as soon as I get started I will remember how. Meanwhile, I study, learn, stock my library, accumulate needful things and plan, plan, plan!
Heck yeah I'm an urban homesteading junkie! Live in urban city outskirts: check, raise rabbits and have chicks on the way, building pens for other critters: check, planting my own grain and veggies for critters to eat: check, layering up a garden space for myself: check, etc etc you get the picture.
I'll support all homesteading and self-sufficiency efforts no matter where they take place. Our dependence on outside sources for every need worries me greatly, plus I hate what is being done to the environment and the diversity of life. Hmmm sorry, I'm soapboxing (sheepish grin).
Happy day to you Phelan,
No worries Parker, I'm known to do that as well.
I would like to be entered in the giveaway. I did not know about the trademark of the term urban homesteading. Geez, reminds me of Monsanto trying to patent all those seeds (or pigs!) I don't think people should be able to patent or trademark things they did not invent or create and since this term was around and used before they were even born it is seriously greedy and not at all in the spirit of community and sharing that should be homesteading to try and trademark the term.
We live on a farm out in the country so we would be rural homesteading but I love feeling more self-sufficient.
I am definitely a homesteading junkie. My wife just goes with it, God bless her.
I've been watching the story unfold over the last couple of weeks as well. I still don't understand how they convinced the trademark board to let them do that. It blows my mind.
I also saw where the D family actually plagiarized someone else's material from the web. craziness.
Thanks for including me in the drawing.
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