530 am, Easter Sunday. I woke, made coffee, then stood in the middle of the living room and screamed
Small was the first one up. Easter Bunny brought them little Coleman headlamps.
I made an apple strudel while husband packed the car. And we were off to the farmstead. Once there, eggs were hidden with the utmost care.

And they were off!

My morning was spent on firewood.
No bubble bursting this morning please. I did this all by myself.

Husband did some tilling, then climbed the windmill.

Large followed.

Then it was lunch time, picnic style of course. Then back to work. Clearing trees and putting up fence posts. And let's not forget the massive amount of hemlock I worked on getting out.

Before posts

After posts

We put 9 of these bad boys in. Had to drag them behind us with chains they were so heavy.
Small is still on the fence about all this

Too sore to type, to tired to think.
You guys have been busy! I spent Easter sitting and knitting while the dogs slept. A nice day.
> Husband did some tilling, then climbed the windmill.
I read that as "Husband did some tilting, then climbed the windmill" and I thought "Of course he did. Tilting at windmills. What else do you do with them?"
"Too sore to type, to tired to think"
An honest day's work makes fr a really good night's sleep and a fantastic feeling of accomplishment. Keep it up and the soreness will go away, but the tiredness...AH.HA..That's your reward for a good days work.
Not that you are not already doing a good days work on the homestead, but this involves a different set of muscles used in a different way.
O.M.G. I dont know how you do it. Reading your blog is a lot like reading a Laura Ingalls Wilder story. Only the pix are in colour...You have mucho admiration from me xxoo
What a fantastic role model for your children. To see and instill such work ethic... Bravo! (love the new place. Your windmill has me envious!)
Sweet dreams our dear Phelan. You deserve it after so much hard work.
KF, that had me in a giggle fit, thank you
Bob encouragement is encouraged around here. I was too tired to sleep, made for a long day. And rock hauling muscles are different then firewood hauling muscles
Michaela, I do have better pictures :)
Just wait, it will get better.
Farm chick, making me blush
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