Wandering quail road pointed out that The Dairy of a SHAM was hosting a postcard exchange. I love these. When Large turned 6 I was in a think called Book Crossing. We leave books for people to find, then they would go to the site and type n the number listed with the book and tell us where they found it. I still do it sometimes, and made some great friends that I still talk to today. I digress, sometimes we would mail books to each other and include a postcard. I asked Large what he wanted to do for his birthday that year and he replied that he wanted to set free some books. ok but I had to know why he was so interested in doing that. Because, he said, we get postcards when we do that.
I went onto the BX forum and told the story and asked if any one would be willing to send Large a postcard. Of course they wanted to. He got hundreds and hundreds of cards from all over the world. I always wondered what the mail lady thought about that. 6 years later, he still has them all. He still beams about it today.
So I signed up for this postcard exchange.

Maybe in the future I will hold my own exchange. My children simply love postcards when they come. If only my name is on it, they will argue about who it is actually for.
I don't think I will make it out to the farm today. It's almost 1 am. I am not going to sleep here soon.
The turkey's are doing well. The sensitivity that domestic turkeys have baffles me. These animals were once wild, have we kept them so cooped up that it takes them so long to adjust to germs. It seems rather silly to me to allow such a thing to happen. It isn't beneficial to anyone to have them so sensitive.
All the animals are doing fine. Sam is uppity. I think she will do better once she is out on the farm, however her movements will be more limited once there. But she will be exercised more often out of sheer necessity on my part.
We have plans. Husband and I know what we need to do to make this work. However sometimes I worry that my stepfather will not be on board with these plans and not allow us to do them. I remind myself that eventually we will be able to purchase a large plot of land and do these things at a latter date. Then the thought of rebuilding from scratch a third times brings me down. I am getting to old to keep rebuilding, but I know I have to, this won't be my farm only a staging area for our next adventure. Speaking of which, I was told not to allow this to bother me, but I think about it. I do not have any altierr motives about my parents farm. What people need to know is that my stepfather is only 9 years older than my husband. We do not hold onto any unrealistic hopes that we will actually outlive hi and be the sole beneficiaries of the farm, cutting my brothers out of an inheritance. I know, it shouldn't bother me, but I would hate to think that my brothers might possibly feel this way. I don't believe I have ever done anything to prove to anyone that I am like this. But now that I have said it out loud I can move on from it. Husband laughs when he hears people suggest this. Maybe I should too.
Have I written a novella yet? Most likely. It is now offically 1 am. I think I am going to lie down and finish reading my book. Maybe then I can fall to sleep. I might actually need to purge a few more things from my head as well, so that the restlessness in my brain will cease. I might be back, we shall see.
I have those kind of nights from time to time as well...hope yours passes soon!
Rest well, my friend!
Hi Phelan. Just reading your post today. I haven't ever replied to any of your posts, as I just found your site recently and have been spending time just enjoying the back posts. I'm not too far from you, just down in Ark City. I have an urban farm, without the animals, well at least for now. I'm in my mid 50's and so is my husband. We've both had alot of health problems, cancer, heart attacks, etc., and think that probably our dream of our own farm is out of the picture right now, however, as one of my cousin's says, don't ever give up. She is in her late 60's and she and her husband, who is older have just finally bought the place of their dreams, in a little town east of us. It is the perfect place for them, with a little house, nothing fancy by any means, but was within what they could afford to spend, and they sold their house in the city and moved out there. They are so incredibly happy to be out there. They are planning on chickens and cows and the whole nine yards. and aren't at all worried about being too old for it all. So don't ever give up on those dreams Phelan, you never know when your perfect place is going to show up. In the meantime sounds like you are doing what we are doing, living the best we can within limits. I am considering having some hens here. I've never done it in town before, but am thinking about it for next year, first we have to get up a privacy fence.
Good luck to you always, and I hope you feel better, got some sleep last night and things start looking up for you soon.
I remember some days I would can until 6am when I'd finally pass out. I doesnt happen often anymore and right now I dont have anything to can.
I think the postcard is a wonderful idea. I have two people that I send and get regular letters from when we find time, I absolutely love it and would love to do more of.
You know I adore you, right?
Now, a bit of advice. Don't type this late at night - insomnia or not - I had the hardest time reading this post - you simply don't need to be typing when you can't form a complete sentence. I realize how tired you are - god knows I appreciate it - but really - get a nap girlie! :D
Love ya!
You know I adore you, right?
Now, a bit of advice. Don't type this late at night - insomnia or not - I had the hardest time reading this post - you simply don't need to be typing when you can't form a complete sentence. I realize how tired you are - god knows I appreciate it - but really - get a nap girlie! :D
Love ya!
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