Most of the families headed to the children's zoo, but since we have most of the animals in the petting zoo, we decided to head straight to the lizard house.
Small loved it

For a long time we had the zoo to ourselves, then other schools started showing up and spoiled it. The rain cleared, but we were no longer having fun. My husband was elbowed in the crotch, and the child yelled at him like it was his fault. We were pushed aside by parents and kids, and the disrespect that the majority of these people were showing was really getting under our skins. We saw most of the animals by then any way, so we left before our entire day was ruined.
Small has declared that his favorite animal is now the rhino. Why? Because he sprayed all the rude people that pushed in front of Small so he couldn't see. (yes, sprayed ha!)

The three of us spent the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch watching movies until the two older boys came home.
We were told to expect severe showers all day on Saturday. That didn't happen. Because of the threat, I didn't do too many outside chores, and spent the day with the house opened up and working inside.
Sunday, I was busy trying to finish up the inside chores, when our buddy Hooter showed up early. We were very surprised to see him. He was visibly upset, and said he hadn't gone to sleep yet. He tends to be a night owl, as he is a single man and likes to drink. He was sober. We didn't press him for any info, and took him out to see Courage and he hand fed the Dexter's. We found out later what had happened. I do adore him, I just wish the other females in his life could see what I see in him. He is so worthy of being loved.
Hooter left and I went back to chores. My brother shows up. We had a few beers and did some outside work. He really enjoys working outside here.
I finally rode Sammy. I have heard horror stories about her, and was expecting to get thrown. Instead she walked with a steady gait, much smoother than Sunny. She responded well to commands. I no longer have a fear of riding her, and will gleefully do so everyday. I took her out to the cows, where Mama and Eddie knew what was up. The calves however hadn't a clue. Urth thought it was play time, and would run up, kicking her heels and bucking "catch me catch me!" Sammy did well once she figure out what I wanted from her.
My brother also got to ride her. It was his first time ever on a horse. He declared that he loved it. He was stiff and unsure, but I think after a few more times, he will be comfortable and be able to enjoy it more.
I milked Murrial! yep you read that correctly. Yesterday we separated out Courage and easily milked Murrial. She got right into the stanchion, but she didn't relax enough for us to efficiently milk her. We only got a quart and 1/2 a half pint. She is so much easier to milk than the Dexters. I was worried because my hands start to hurt while milking the Dexters, and if I can't milk out 1 gallon, how on earth will I milk out 3-6? But she takes little effort to draw from, and once she excepts me as a calf, and relaxes more, I foresee a comfortable milking relationship.
Well, um...gee thank you so much for the zebra carcass photo - wasn't quite expecting that.
I don't suppose breakfast in my future
That statue is across from a river hog exhibit in the African part of the zoo. Not sure why it is there and not closer to the lion. Guess they want to freak out the kids, which they managed to with Small. He wanted nothing to do with it.
Oh, cute little story I forgot to add. Throughout the zoo there are plank board bridges that have ropes for railing. Small thought they were swinging rope bridge, and would carefully place his hand onto the rope before gingerly stepping onto the bridge. I had to jump on the bridges to show him that they didn't swing.
Ack..that zebra statue is nasty. But, at the same time, maybe it will illustrate to people that meat doesn't actually get grown in the grocery store, something has to die for it and it ain't pretty.
Still, ::shiver:: nasty!
Great post and glad the cow milking went so well!
NO I didn't break up with you. We're having a few crisises here - mostly financial but nothing I can't whip.. just takes time. I have GOT to come up there though - hopefully will be able to sometime this week... I'm so sorry. I know I'm totally screwing up your biz. And, I need milk badly.
Ah Phelan...
what a pleasure it is to read your blog! Todasy you made me smile a good bit and even made me miss going to the zoo, which I haven't done since it was free!
I'm so glad that the milking is going well, and happy that your brother had the chance to ride! He'll become an avid horse lover, if you aren't careful!
Very good post!
ChristyACB, It surprised us when we walked up on it. The zoo is educational after all.
Melissa, remember I am willing to barter. I don't need eggs right now however. I have 8 dozen in the fridge. Plus a fridge full of that white stuff.
HJim, we only had to pay $3 to get in. It is so expensive any more. We hope to get to go at least once this year with all of the boys. Glad to hear I made you smile.
Wasn't aware that zebra carcass was a statue. First thought was that lions prefer ribs too. lol. Zoos are pretty neat places.
word verification is rhymper -- 1st thought is a little kid in PJs rhyming a ditty. lol.
Was it the Kansas City Zoo? The rope bridges part made me think of it--and the rhino totally sprayed right in front of us when I was there! I love that zoo--so compact, but then the boat ride around the Africa part, which in our zoo (Tulsa Zoo) is a long, hot, slog on sidewalk...I digress. Glad you had a good time at the zoo, to begin anyway. That's why I don't go to the zoo this time of year. All that crotch elbowing, sheesh. :) Thanks for what you're doing here.
P.S. Thought the zebra statue was real until I looked for the leaking blood. I grew up on a ranch, and know what a real carcass looks like. Ok, I'm stopping now.
It was the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita.
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