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Friday, July 18, 2008

Phelan Family Phew

That's not right. Faylin Phamily Stew. Ugh! Phelan Family Stew. (that would be lack of sleep giddiness folks)

My family has a stew recipe that I love to can. It is simple to prepare, and improves on flavor as it sits on your shelf.

cabbage (chop or shredded)

potatoes (large dice)

ham (cubed)

chick peas

water (to cover)

pepper (to taste)

Simple, simple. Add everything together in the quantities you have on hand. Season only with pepper to your taste. Heat through and place into your hot sterile jars. Process at 10 lbs for 20 minutes. It is ready to eat as soon as it cools, or keep well for a few years. This is one of the few recipes that doesn't loose flavor after a year.

If you add carrots or any other root veggies, I would suggest eating it sooner rather then later. But if you keep it super simple, no worries.

Carnival of Home Preserving


Colin said...

Huh, for some reason it's never occurred to me to use chickpeas in stew - I guess I automatically reach for kidney beans if I'm making soups and stews. But I love me some garbanzos (making homemade falafel tonight!), so I'll have to try this one.

I also wanted to thank you for posting so early in the morning. I'm a night owl but I also have to get up early enough to do the ironing and breakfasting, and most blogs just don't get updated between the time I go to sleep and the time I wake up. It's appreciated!

Phelan said...

Colin, you are welcome. I try to update early, usually with my coffee before I head out and do chores. Right now I am taking a coffee break after working 2 hours in the garden.

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

I thought there for a moment you were going to start spelling everything with "Ph" instead of F. Thank you for not bastardizing the English language.:)

Stephanie uses chick peas quite a bit around here. They are good.

Phelan said...

Sorry Tim, didn't mean to phreak you out. I was just being playful with my name. :D

Cheryl said...

Hey there phriend,
Your stew sounds really good. I never thought of adding cabbage, great idea.
I was so sorry to read about your animals.

It's me said...

We love garbanzo beans!! Even use them in spaghetti as a protein source. (Weird, I know)

Thanks for this recipe. I am eventually going to can something and this seems like something I could do. How about a lentil soup recipe next?


Anonymous said...

Sounds good!

Thank you for participating this week's Carnival of Home Preserving!

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Be sure to submit one for next week's edition. Jennifer at QuiverFull Family is hosting.

Feel free to share the link to this week's edition of the carnival to get the word out to others and bring in more participants.

Happy Preserving!


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