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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Propane Powered Bees

My order from Draper's arrived yesterday. I had searched for a while for a local apiary. This is where you hurt yourself from laughing hysterically. There is NO ONE local. I called the county extension office for help. She referred me to the only bee catcher on her list. He in turn had me call Nebraska, as they were the closest apiary. Wonderful. He also mentioned Draper's. He said he knew them and that they were good people. So I looked them up, and bought foundations from them. Now we are steadily placing them into the frames.

We have been looking at tractors, and think we have found what we are looking for. It is a 1956 Case Propane powered tractor. We know little about propane tractors, but we know we will save on gas, as propane right now costs more then half of gasoline. Husband and neighbor will be going out the look at them today (oh there is a 1936 Farm all as well.) Both ran when parked, 10 years ago. And they have been parked in a barn since then. So if anyone out there has a manual to go along with this that they are willing to part with, I would be ever so grateful. I have been looking online and can't seem to find anything.


The Fool said...

H'lo Phelan. Bees rock. They're in the family (the X keeps bees, and the father of my eldest son's girlfriend is the local apiarist). Enjoy...and keep us informed!

As for a might try Josh Williams - - he has passed through my blog, and my understanding is that he deals in old manuals. You might give him a try.

Robbyn said...

Bees!!! Oh MAN, I'm so happy for you! They're on our list of "eventuals" but the whole beekeeping process remains a mystery for us. We're looking into using top bar hives, but don't know what we're doing. We'd like to find a group somewhere local that knows what they're doing so we won't be going it alone (so it waits till we have the time to do that...) I don't know how many folks here locally do anything organically with bees, either. I guess that's why they're for down the road...I also don't know if we have enough vegetation here to support a healthy colony.

SO SO excited to get to learn through your experiences, as in so many other things...can't wait to see pics!

Jederah said...

Thats cool..there is a place about 20 min or so (close to the house Im trying to buy) that sells honey and has a few hives set up but bees are not for me I am terrified of them for the most part as Im severely allergic to bee stings...oh but I love honey and using beeswax

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the bees! They are one of things my fiance and I want to get when we finally move out of our apartment and into a house with some land.

Billy said...

Hey you. Just getting caught up from a long two days. I am sending you an email in the next few days. I am going to need your phone number again.

lisa said...

Very exciting! My uncle kept bees and used to let us handle the drones (boy bees-they don't sting or fly very well). All I have are the "wild" mason bees, but honeybees would be so cool. Good luck!

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