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Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's stopped raining

Look what I was able to drag in. The Brandywine is doing the best so far, and the cherries. Harvest is coming in slow, but I am sure I will be overwhelmed by it shortly.


Kathie said...

I love that time of harvesting, when you get tiny glimpses of what's to come. Those first few tomatoes are so yummy and quickly eaten up before all the canning begins. Beautiful produce!

Phelan said...

ya know the odd thing is, I don't like tomatoes. I like what I can make from them, but raw, fresh tomatoes I can't stand. Luckily my husband loves them.

Billy said...

Again, I offer help if you need any. Thought of you this weekend when I was in Omaha. I visited the Old Market's Farmer's Market. It was fun. Hope you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

It's still monsoon season here!

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