Two hours have passed, and your dough should be tripled in size. Turn it out onto a floured surface, and round it.

Flour a cheesecloth or linen and line a colander. Place rounded dough in, cover with foil and allow to double in size, 45 minutes.

In the meantime, place an empty pan onto the lower rack of your oven, and preheat the oven to 450F.
Question for you Phalen.
Why do you put the dough in a colander? I've always just used a bowl when making bread.
The shape is similar to the wood and cloth bowls that this bread is traditionally made in.
oh, and it helps it breath better.
My mother has a great old wooden bread bowl that she used for many years. Although she doesn't make bread any more ... if I could just pry her fingers off of the damn thing!
My mom has one too, but I got her spoon! ~insert evil daughter laugh here~
yeah, my mom has realized she needs to hide her bread bowl every time i visit. and search my car before i leave just for good measure, 'cuz i'm sneaky and unscrupulous.
i need to get my offspring to distract her with that cute grandson thing he does so well ...
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