We can not talk in the mornings with out Coffee, drinking it either. We are a nation of Coffee Junkies. So what do we do if we are trying to stay local? Well there are several roasters in the US, you can support them and buy your coffee from them. There isn't one near me, and I buy a name brand. ~I am so bad~ The only place in the US that I know grows their own beans is Hawaii. And unless you live in a country that does grow its own, you are out of luck when it comes to coffee.
What you can do is find a substitute.

I hear there is something out there made with soy. I just don't know about that. Soy seems to be replacing corn, and with the way corn has turned out, this scares me. But hey, I am a paranoid homesteader. :)
Mmmmmm. Coffee.
Is it a bit bad that we're only two hours in and I'm already desperate for caffeine? I mean, seriously, it's like 4pm and I've only been up for about four hours!
Hope all's well with you.
chikory root is supposed to be a good substitute too. I haven't tried it though. I love coffee!
I decided to treat myself to a mocha yesterday morning, and I swear I was still feeling it last night during StitchNB*tch.
I'm still looking for an electric grinder for you.
john, you just getting prepared for tonight
Stephanie, I have heard that as well, not sure how easy it is to find locally though. I haven't found it yet.
Marina, Marina. Marina. Go have some more ;)
It isn't the same as local, but if people are really concerned about environmental issues (overlap with homesteading stuff!), "shade-grown" coffee is grown within the rain forest without destroying it. Yay!
yes, I had read about that. Thank you for bringing it up.
OK, this dandelion root thing is new to me. Wow. Tastes like chocolate? Now I've gotta go find some and try this. I'm a coffee addict. I buy a big name brand (blush) that starts with S.
Funny about the dandelion tasting like chocolate. At the organic shop (not much local there, just flours, boo), they sell carob chips as a substitute for chocolate chips. Their flavor reminded me of sweetened black coffee. I have yet to bake with them - I think I'd prefer to go with half chocolate and half carob chips in a cookie or loaf recipe to prevent either flavor from being overwhelming. I have a couple of cans of sweetened condensed milk begging me to make fudge - but I don't know how carob chips would stand to be fudgified.
I love coffee, too. The dandelion root thing sounds good. The health food shops here sell Barleycup which tastes like insipid powdered something, but can be pleasant if you're not expecting coffee from it! I must look out my Gypsy coffee substitutes for you ~ nag me over this
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