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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

They plot

Donkey, the sheep, is beginning to scare me. He just stands there at the fence, staring in his sheepish way. I will be working away in the garden, and can't help but glance over, and there he is, watching me. When I go into the pen to feed everyone, he paces me. No longer does he run and leap over invisible obstacles. No, now he creeps closer, you can see the plotting and scheming in his eyes. My father-in-law says, "don't show your fear!"

He stares just like that!

We still have a banny rooster and his very small consort in the house. I am little timid about placing them outside, even though they are long over due. Last night after dinner, my 5 year old left some fish on his plate and neglected to clean up. When I reminded him, the rooster snagged the piece of fish and ran. It reminded me of the kittens and the way they greedily eat. The rooster seems happy to follow me through the house, the consort which is 5x smaller them him, enjoys chirping as loud as she can when he leaves her sight. It gets rather loud in the smaller rooms.

The geese are not as passive as Donkey. My 9 year old can attest to that. We were out working in the barn and the standard rooster has a death wish, so my oldest son must literally watch my back when we are out there. As I was cleaning and my son was standing guard, the gander approached and bit and beat on my son's leg. I heard the screaming and turned. The gander had already let go and my son was in tears. "I told you not to turn your back on them." He now boasts some very large bruises.

We now have a puppy, a pit bull/Husky mix. Otherwise a Pit Bull with blue eyes. There is no mistake in what she is. She is only slightly squarer than are English Pit is, here is hoping the other neighbors don't notice and freak out. Her name is Buttercup, and she is bent on killing all the children with her licks. She finds them in the middle of the night, jumping up on the bed, her little tail beating them in the sides or back, licking and jumping until one of the boys vocally complains and pushes her off the bed. That doesn't persuade her to stop, she just hunts down the next victim. I need to replace the batteries in my camera, will get you pictures soon.

Who is plotting against you?


Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

Pit bulls can be the sweetist dogs around, really. That sounds outragious, but it is true. My rooster wants inside our house bad, you can't leave the door open for more than 5 seconds and he is there trying to get in. I can't imagine having them inside.

Anonymous said...

ALL my chickens want in the house! I have to keep the front door shut, but can leave the back door open as, usually, only Woodstock comes in that way & only at bedtime (theirs). Unfortunately the stupid dogs have finally learnt that they can get OUT through the backdoor, but then run round & open the front, letting in the chickens who then dine on dogfood.

The boys were described as whippet x pitbull, but are whippet x staffy (mum) x greyhound x staffy x ??? (dad). They are pretending they don't exist at present as they decided to work together to get their own back on the dog-chasing & -biting gander. Andy was left in shock with the feathers removed from his back ~ I hope he survives the attack. Andy attacks cars, other people, dogs, the other poultry, but was always as good as anything with me.

All my animals are plotting against me in 1 way or another & some look so sweet whilst doing it that you know they're up to something!

I have 17 chicks & 1 duckling in the house, with more eggs due to start hatching on Friday ~ I ought to put a couple of the well-feathered ones outside soon as I'll need the space in the box & broody

Gina said...

I had a pit bull X Dalmation for 15+ years. He was such a love and I still miss him terribly. I agree that pits can be the sweetest dogs. She sounds lovely!

Does Donkey the Sheep "baa" or anything while staring? If not, I can see how The Stare could be creepy, LOL! :-)

Teri said...

Grab the gander by the next and lift him up to eye level. Tell him not to do that again. It tends to make them wary of you. All they really have is bluff.

As for the rooster, it's time for a hunting accident. We had a Wyandotte that would not stop attacking me. Finally got fed up and husband shot him. It's the only rooster I've ever had that was that agressive.

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