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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It might just work

Yesterday right after lunch, I took my oldest son's project to school. They knew I was coming in a little late because of the chicks, actually they told me to come in later than everyone else to set up. Once there I helped move around other projects so that all the classes could fit on the tables. I was told that this year was the largest turn out for this fair, 2 of the 16 teachers made it a homework assignment and were giving out grades. My oldest son's class didn't do that, and only 4 children participated.

I stood behind the project to insure that the children didn't go nuts and try to hurt the chicks. There was a few finger in cage sticking, but other than that it was fine.

Half the female students were cooing over the chicks, asking who's they were. I think things went well, most of the kids loved the chickens, and half of those took time to read the poster board.

That evening when it was time for the parents to walk through, many kids could be seen dragging a parent or both through the gym to see the live chickens. These kids have never seen a live chicken before, and for many this will be the only time they ever do.

As the night went on, most of the kids came back to our display over and over again. The very young, preschool age, were content just to stand there and stare at them.

My oldest son wanted me to bring the Cornish game birds, but I thought that the frizzle chicks would make more of a statement, the adults found it interesting that the birds feathers grew in that manner and that they would stay a very small bird. Lots of questions to answer about them. Some of the mom's looked down at us, but the dad's enjoyed it, and most importantly the children did to.

Maybe we should think about doing something with the school.

My oldest son and his project

Today will be a very long a tiring day, I have to put in the tomatoes.
I thought I had a post hidden away about planting and caring for tomatoes, I can't find it if I do. If you want, I will post one tomorrow, just let me know.


Billy said...

Post please! I have planted my first tomato plants. Because I have never had a garden, I cheated and bought starter plants from Lowe's. Yes, yes, I know. I should have started them from seed.

Looks like the kid had a great time. The board for his project was fantastic. You have a very talented son. As for the moms, pppllllbbbbbhhhh.... (sticking my tongue out).

Wendy said...

I think that hubby would love it:)

Wendy said...

Forgot to add how great his project looked! Congrats to a successful evening!

Jeff Roberts said...

Egg-celent! Most of the kids had probably only seen chicken nuggets before :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the project went so well for him!

The Fool said...

You wrote earlier aboout the teasing of a son for being "country." Such involvement on your part will go a long way in helping the other children cross over and build an understanding. Way to go, Phelan.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous display! Really excellent work. I hope the teasing stops from now on.

Anonymous said...

The display looks good ~ a lot of work has been put into it. Well done to your son. [It's a pity the Frizzles didn't show up well in the photo (the chickens are taking me over!), but that's me loving looking at other breeds & no reflection on the display as it was in real life.] I hope the other childer learnt from the display ~ I'm glad the childer & dads liked it, with the dads on your side, the mums aren't important. I hope it gives him confidence & a makes life a bit easier at school. Those childer were able to see that some of their food relies on "country" people & doesn't magically apear in the supermarkets, or is made in factories (debatable point, I know, with modern practices).

There's a book a poultry mag did an item on that looks interesting ~ "100 ways for a chicken to train its human". I've not read it, but am tempted, very tempted, to get a copy ~ it looks like my kind of mad humour, especially as the chickens think they run this place!

ollie1976 said...

Awesome science project!

Stephanie Appleton said...

So glad the project went well. That must have also helped him feel better about the issues earlier! Great confidence booster!

Parlancheq said...

Some of the moms looked down on the project?? Ridiculous. The project looks awesome! Those other moms must just have been jealous that their kid's projects weren't as cool. :)

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